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Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Part 2 (Coursera)

Learn about novel sensing tools that make use of nanotechnology to screen, detect and monitor various events in personal or professional life. Together, we will lay the groundwork for infinite innovative applications, starting from diagnosis and treatments of diseases, continuing with quality control of goods and environmental aspects, and [...]

Games, Sensors and Media (Coursera)

You will learn to make fluid digital interactive experiences that are suitable for gaming and use the advanced sensor hardware built into the iPhone and iPad. This includes drawing 2D graphics, playing sounds and music, integrating with Game Center, the iOS physics engine and detecting device orientation and [...]

Internet of Things: Sensing and Actuation From Devices (Coursera)

Have you wondered how information from physical devices in the real world gets communicated to Smartphone processors? Do you want to make informed design decisions about sampling frequencies and bit-width requirements for various kinds of sensors? Do you want to gain expertise to affect the real world with actuators [...]

IoT Sensors and Devices (edX)

Explore various IoT devices and sensor types, how they work, and how we connect them. Map out the process for developing your own IoT ideas. The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid rate, and it is becoming increasingly important for professionals to understand what it is, [...]

Quantum Detectors and Sensors (edX)

Learn how to analyze and design quantum sensors and devices that extract maximal information from the world around us. Classical detectors and sensors are ubiquitous around us from heat sensors in cars to light detectors in a camera cell phone. Leveraging advances in the theory of noise and measurement, [...]

التقانة والمستشعرات النانوية - الجزء الاول (Coursera)

هو مساق للمهتمين في التعرف على أدوات الاستشعار الحديثة التي تستعين بتقانة النانو (وهي التقانة التي تبحث في المجال بين واحد إلى مئة نانوميتر، أي في أجزاء من المليار من المتر) لفرز ومراقبة الأحداث المختلفة في حياتنا الشخصية أو العملية. في أطار هذا المساق، سنكتشف معا عالم النانو [...]

Embedded Smart Home (openHPI)

Self Paced
Embedded Smart Home (openHPI)
Free Course
Herzlich Willkommen zum interaktiven Kurs „Embedded Smart Home“. Wir freuen uns, Sie in die Welt des Smart Home zu entführen. Während des Kurses bekommen Sie Einblicke in die Umsetzung eines Smart Home Projekts auf Basis eines Raspberry Pi und unter Nutzung von Sensoren, Aktuatoren und Displays. Um für die [...]

Touch IoT with SAP Leonardo (openSAP)

Self Paced
Touch IoT with SAP Leonardo (openSAP)
Free Course
Join this free online course to learn and experience how the Internet of Things (IoT) works. If you’re interested in running an IoT project, learn how sensors and devices with intelligent software can support you to achieve your goals. What does the Internet of Things mean to you? We [...]