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Computer Networking (Udacity)

This course covers advanced topics in Computer Networking such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Data Center Networking and Content Distribution. The course is divided into three parts:

An Introduction to Computer Networking for Teachers (FutureLearn)

Build your knowledge and understanding of computer networks as a computer science teacher. Learn how you can create connections with computers. Explore the fundamentals of computer networking with this online course for GCSE teachers. You will improve your understanding of key concepts and gain the confidence to teach the [...]

Routage et qualité de service dans l'Internet (FUN)

Comment les données sont acheminées dans l'Internet ? Comment améliorer la transmission de ces données ? Dans ce MOOC, nous abordons les problématiques de routage interne et externe et la mise en place de qualité de service par réservation de ressource ou par ingénierie de trafic dans les [...]

Routing in “Spartacus” (openSAP)

Self Paced
Routing in “Spartacus” (openSAP)
Free Course
Join this free online course to learn about project “Spartacus”. You’ll learn how to set up a Spartacus storefront for SAP Commerce Cloud from scratch and how to extend it.

Internet Measurements: a Hands-on Introduction (FUN)

This course is a hands-on introduction to internet measurements. You will learn about measuring the structure of the internet and the routes through that structure, about delays, losses and connectivity, about bandwidth, and about traffic.

CCNA Routing and Switching - The Easy Certification Guide (Eduonix)

Creating a network of computers isn’t always as easy as they portray in shows and movies. It isn’t as simple as hooking up a few monitors to multiple CPUs or server systems. The process of creating and maintaining a networking system is a difficult and time consuming process that [...]