Programming Languages

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Concurrency in Go (Coursera)

Learn how to implement concurrent programming in Go. Explore the roles of channels and goroutines in implementing concurrency. Topics include writing goroutines and implementing channels for communications between goroutines. Course activities will allow you to exercise Go’s capabilities for concurrent programming by developing several example [...]

Getting Started with Go (Coursera)

Learn the basics of Go, an open source programming language originally developed by a team at Google and enhanced by many contributors from the open source community. This course is designed for individuals with previous programming experience using such languages as C, Python, or Java, and covers the fundamental [...]

Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go (Coursera)

Continue your exploration of the Go programming language as you learn about functions, methods, and interfaces. Topics include the implementation of functions, function types, object-orientation in Go, methods, and class instantiation. As with the first course in this series, you’ll have an opportunity to create your own Go applications [...]

Programming with Scratch (Coursera)

Learning coding is not only about understanding the programming language being used, but also developing important computational thinking skills, which are useful for problem solving across many disciplinary areas. In this course, students will learn basic programming skills by creating interactive storybooks, animations, and games with Scratch, which is [...]

Introduction to Programming with MATLAB (Coursera)

This course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language called MATLAB to do so because it is easy to learn, versatile and very useful for engineers and other professionals. MATLAB is a special-purpose language that is an excellent [...]

Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming (Coursera)

Have you ever wished you knew how to program, but had no idea where to start from? This course will teach you how to program in Scratch, an easy to use visual programming language. More importantly, it will introduce you to the fundamental principles of computing and it will [...]

Programação para todos (Conceitos básicos de Python) (Coursera)

Este curso tem como objetivo ensinar a todos os conceitos básicos de programação de computadores usando Python. Abordamos o básico de como criar um programa a partir de uma série de instruções simples em Python. O curso não tem pré-requisitos e evita tudo, exceto a matemática mais simples. [...]

Problem Solving, Python Programming, and Video Games (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to computer science and programming in Python. Important computer science concepts such as problem solving (computational thinking), problem decomposition, algorithms, abstraction, and software quality are emphasized throughout. The Python programming language and video games are used to demonstrate computer science concepts in a [...]