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How to Build Your Design Portfolio (edX)

Self Paced
How to Build Your Design Portfolio (edX)
Course Auditing
Are you tired of average portfolios not getting you hired? This intense course creates a portfolio that unlocks your dream career. Industry experts guide you in developing targeted projects, strategic organization, flawless case studies and interview skills.

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design (Coursera)

May 2nd 2024
Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design is the first of a series of seven courses that will equip you with the skills needed to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience design. UX designers focus on the interactions that people have with products like websites, mobile apps, and physical [...]
May 2nd 2024
Course Auditing
32.00 EUR/month

Los portafolios y las inversiones en el mercado de capitales (Coursera)

En la medida en que las personas o las entidades requieren invertir sus posiciones de liquidez en el mercado de capitales se hace necesario estudiar los activos financieros y entender el funcionamiento del mercado de valores para tomar decisiones informadas y sustentadas que permitan a los inversionistas decidir adecuadamente [...]

Foundations for Interviewing with Confidence (Coursera)

This is Course 2 in the Salesforce Sales Development Representative Professional Certificate. In order to successfully complete the course, please ensure you have taken Course 1: Groundwork for Success in Sales Development. The goal of this course is to prepare you to build your professional tech sales portfolio, and [...]

Creating a Portfolio (Coursera)

This course integrates all the learning from the first three courses and guides the learner about ways of building a portfolio of strategies and integrating the same into a hedge fund. In the first part of the course, you will be taught ways of measuring the contribution of a [...]

Portfolio and Risk Management (Coursera)

In this course, you will gain an understanding of the theory underlying optimal portfolio construction, the different ways portfolios are actually built in practice and how to measure and manage the risk of such portfolios.

Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study (Coursera)

Apr 23rd 2024
Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is the eighth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. You’ll have the opportunity to complete an optional case study, which will help prepare you for the data analytics job hunt. Case studies are commonly used by employers to assess analytical skills. For your case study, you’ll [...]

Finding and Preparing for the Right Job (Coursera)

Finding and preparing for the right job in the DS/AI field can be tricky. In this course, we will explore how the job market has vastly different descriptions for the same job title, how to identify what a company is really looking for, and how to search the “hidden” [...]

Fundamentos para entrevistar con confianza (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Fundamentos para entrevistar con confianza (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este es el curso 2 de la certificación profesional para representantes de desarrollo de ventas de Salesforce. Para completar con éxito el curso, asegúrate de haber realizado el curso 1: Bases para el éxito en el desarrollo de ventas. El objetivo de este curso es prepararte para construir tu [...]

Advanced Portfolio Construction and Analysis with Python (Coursera)

The practice of investment management has been transformed in recent years by computational methods. Instead of merely explaining the science, we help you build on that foundation in a practical manner, with an emphasis on the hands-on implementation of those ideas in the Python programming language. In this course, [...]