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Democracia y decisiones públicas. Introducción al análisis de políticas públicas (Coursera)

¿Qué son las políticas públicas? Son la plasmación más concreta de la política. Lo que los gobiernos hacen, y dejan de hacer, para hacer frente a los problemas colectivos. Este curso trata sobre cómo se decide qué problemas abordar y qué soluciones adoptar. Un proceso primordialmente político y social [...]

Global Politics (Coursera)

The course explains why international studies originating from the West are currently evolving towards a planetary approach to World politics, with a particular focus on global order and local disorders. Thinking globally helps explain new linkages between changes in the natural environment (demography, climate) and transformations of institutional designs. [...]

Luther and the West (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Luther and the West (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course we will discuss the history of some ideas that have been hugely influential in the modern west and that were taken out to the rest of the world. The discussion centers on an extraordinary and historically important figure, a sixteenth century German man named Martin Luther. [...]

Justice (edX)

Justice, one of the most famous courses taught at Harvard College, is an introduction to moral and political philosophy, offering an opportunity to discuss contemporary dilemmas and controversies. Taught by lauded Harvard professor Michael Sandel, Justice explores critical analysis of classical and contemporary theories of justice, including discussion of [...]

The Importance and Power of Music in our Society (Coursera)

Music plays an important role in our daily lives and is woven into the fabric of society. We listen to music while alone or in company, in a dance club or at home, through simple headphones or via high-end speakers, as background or as foreground, after we get up [...]

Discover Political Science (edX)

Understand current political stakes as you learn about important concepts and how to analyze politics with a critical point of view. Politics impact all of us. Everyday, political decisions impact many areas of our lives. In the 21st century, multiple paradoxes blur our vision of these decisions. The course [...]

Découvrir la science politique (edX)

Décrypter des enjeux politiques actuels à partir d’une boîte à outils: des notions importantes, une démarche analytique et une perspective critique. Le politique nous concerne tous : chaque jour, des décisions publiques sont adoptées qui impactent notre quotidien. Dans quel contexte ces décisions sont-elles adoptées ? Au 21ème siècle, [...]

Découvrir l'anthropologie (edX)

Expérimentez un autre regard sur les sociétés humaines avec des chercheurs en anthropologie prospective. Comment les humains s’organisent-ils en sociétés ? Qu’appelle-t-on « familles » et comment se constituent-elles ? Quel regard et quels types d’analyse l’anthropologie propose-t-elle sur les systèmes de parenté, symboliques, politiques, religieux [...]

Gender and Development (FutureLearn)

Jul 3rd 2023
Gender and Development (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Does gender matter in international and community development? Find out in this free online course. Explore the relationship between gender and development. This online course explores why gender matters in contemporary international and community development, asking you to: explore the challenges for achieving gender justice throughout the world; examine [...]

Citizen Politics in America: Public Opinion, Elections, Interest Groups, and the Media (edX)

Learn about the forces in American politics that seek to influence the electorate and shift the political landscape. Public opinion has a powerful yet inexact influence on elected officials. Politicians risk their careers if they ignore it, yet its power is not easy to capture nor quantify. This course [...]