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Engineering Project Management: Scope, Time and Cost Management (Coursera)

Scope, time, and cost management are at the heart of successful project management. This course will give you the tools to develop a project scope, schedule and budget and then status them to predict project performance. Throughout the course, you will learn about change management and techniques to implement [...]

Graphic Design (Coursera)

Welcome to Graphic Design, the second course in the Effective Communications Specialization. Over 70 different companies have provided this specialization to their employees as a resource for internal professional development. Why? Because employers know that effective visual communication is the key to attracting an audience, building a relationship, and [...]

The Marketing Plan (Coursera)

Create your own Marketing Plan for your own product or service idea. In this course you will learn how to produce arguably the most important marketing tool for any business. Rather than simply learning the stages of The Marketing Plan, you will be asked each week [...]

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity (Coursera)

You will be able to gain and apply your knowledge and understanding of personal and professional awareness, organization and commitment, and use the tools, methods and techniques that you have learned in goal setting, prioritization, scheduling, and delegation to overcome time management challenges and enhance [...]

Aspectos fundamentales de la gerencia (Coursera)

¿Está a punto de entrar en el mercado laboral? ¿Es un profesional nuevo? ¿Es nuevo en su cargo dentro de la organización? Todos los posibles empleados nuevos necesitan conocer los principios, las funciones y las responsabilidades asociados a la gerencia, independientemente del cargo que ocupen. Ahora puede adquirir amplios [...]

Finanzas para profesionales no financieros (Coursera)

Tome las riendas de sus decisiones financieras y aprenda cómo estas repercuten sobre la rentabilidad de su unidad y su organización. En este curso, obtendrá información básica sobre conceptos contables y financieros que le permitirán impulsar el crecimiento de su organización.

Gestión de proyectos: las bases del éxito (Coursera)

En este curso se combinan los elementos esenciales de la gestión de proyectos y el liderazgo de equipo en un único contenido. A través de la participación y reflexión en clase, adquirirás una mayor comprensión de las responsabilidades que conlleva el liderazgo y una mejor preparación para aplicar este [...]

Business English: Planning & Negotiating (Coursera)

In this course, the context is hosting an event and finding an appropriate venue for it. You will learn language and strategies for successful negotiations culminating in a written announcement for an event. Course Learning Objectives: negotiate strategically in formal and informal settings; identify and resolve customer issues after [...]

Initiating and Planning Projects (Coursera)

Successful projects require careful upfront planning. In this course, you’ll learn the key roles and responsibilities of the project manager and project team. You’ll also learn to answer some key questions upfront to help you meet project objectives: What will this project accomplish? Why is this project important? Who [...]