Oil Industry

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Politics and Economics of International Energy (Coursera)

Energy issues have always been important in international relations, but in recent years may have become even more important than in the past due to the widespread awareness of existing limits to energy sources and negative climate impacts. The course discusses global trends in energy consumption and production, various [...]

Oil & Gas Industry Operations and Markets (Coursera)

The oil and gas industry has an enormous impact on all aspects of daily life. Individuals, corporations, and national governments make financial and policy decisions based on the cost, use, and availability of these two natural resources. This two-week course looks at the two most fundamental aspects of the [...]

¿Cómo llegamos aquí? Una historia del poder en México (Coursera)

Este curso, ofrecido por la UNAM, presenta una visión sintética de dos dimensiones clave para analizar el funcionamiento de la política mexicana actual: la política interna y las relaciones con el exterior. Además, incluye un estudio de caso – los conflictos por el petróleo –como un ejemplo de la [...]