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Sleep: Neurobiology, Medicine, and Society (Coursera)

The objective of this course is to give students the most up-to-date information on the biological, personal, and societal relevance of sleep. Personal relevance is emphasized by the fact that the single best predictor of daytime performance is the quality of the previous night's sleep. The brain actively generates [...]

The Brain and Space (Coursera)

This course is about how the brain creates our sense of spatial location from a variety of sensory and motor sources, and how this spatial sense in turn shapes our cognitive abilities. Knowing where things are is effortless. But “under the hood,” your brain must figure out even [...]

Computational Neuroscience (Coursera)

This course provides an introduction to basic computational methods for understanding what nervous systems do and for determining how they function. We will explore the computational principles governing various aspects of vision, sensory-motor control, learning, and memory. Specific topics that will be covered include representation of information by spiking [...]

Medical Neuroscience (Coursera)

Medical Neuroscience explores the functional organization and neurophysiology of the human central nervous system, while providing a neurobiological framework for understanding human behavior. In this course, you will discover the organization of the neural systems in the brain and spinal cord that mediate sensation, motivate bodily action, and integrate [...]

Advanced Neurobiology II (Coursera)

Hello everyone! Welcome to advanced neurobiology! Neuroscience is a wonderful branch of science on how our brain perceives the external world, how our brain thinks, how our brain responds to the outside of the world, and how during disease or aging the neuronal connections deteriorate. We’re trying to understand [...]

Advanced Neurobiology I (Coursera)

Hello everyone! Welcome to advanced neurobiology! Neuroscience is a wonderful branch of science on how our brain perceives the external world, how our brain thinks, how our brain responds to the outside of the world, and how during disease or aging the neuronal connections deteriorate. We’re trying to understand [...]

Music as Biology: What We Like to Hear and Why (Coursera)

The course will explore the tone combinations that humans consider consonant or dissonant, the scales we use, and the emotions music elicits, all of which provide a rich set of data for exploring music and auditory aesthetics in a biological framework. Analyses of speech and musical databases are consistent [...]

Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life (Coursera)

Learn how the nervous system produces behavior, how we use our brain every day, and how neuroscience can explain the common problems afflicting people today. We will study functional human neuroanatomy and neuronal communication, and then use this information to understand how we perceive the outside world, move our [...]

Psychedelics and The Mind (edX)

Mar 15th 2024
Psychedelics and The Mind (edX)
Course Auditing
UC Berkeley Professor David Presti skillfully navigates the science, culture, and history of psychedelics for both the novice learner and the curious expert interested in fact-based learning surrounding visionary substances.

Understanding Drugs and Addiction (FutureLearn)

How do addictions develop? How are they best treated and how are they prevented? This course explores these key questions further.