Modern Application Development with Node.js on AWS Specialization

This specialization is designed to help you master the skills of designing and building cloud-native applications on AWS. We begin with the foundational technical and cloud knowledge that you need to have to build in the AWS Cloud. In the first course, you will be introduced to several AWS compute services, different storage and database offerings that AWS provides, AWS’ networking capabilities, monitoring capabilities and the AWS IAM service.
The second course in the specialization explores how to build an API driven application using Amazon API Gateway for serverless API hosting, AWS Lambda for serverless computing, and Amazon Cognito for serverless authentication.
Modern applications require a modern database. Hence, the third course introduces you to NoSQL databases and the challenges they solve. We will dive deep into Amazon DynamoDB topics such as recovery, SDKs, partition keys, security and encryption, global tables, stateless applications, streams, and best practices. Amazon DynamoDB is a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale.
- How to build an API driven application using AWS Lambda for serverless compute
- How NoSQL databases differ from relational databases and the challenges they solve
- You will be able to make an informed decision about when and how to apply key AWS services for compute, storage, and database to different use cases.
. How NoSQL databases differ from relational databases
. How to provision, manage and interact with a DynamoDB table
. How to secure a DynamoDB database

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