Linear Algebra

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The Finite Element Method for Problems in Physics (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to the finite element method as applicable to a range of problems in physics and engineering sciences. The treatment is mathematical, but only for the purpose of clarifying the formulation. The emphasis is on coding up the formulations in a modern, open-source environment that [...]

Introduction to Linear Algebra (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Introduction to Linear Algebra (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Linear algebra and calculus are the two most important foundational pillars on which modern mathematics is built. They are studied by almost all mathematics students at university, though typically labelled as different subjects and taught in parallel. Over time, students discover that linear algebra and calculus are inseparable (but [...]

Linear Algebra: Orthogonality and Diagonalization (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Linear Algebra: Orthogonality and Diagonalization (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the third and final course in the Linear Algebra Specialization that focuses on the theory and computations that arise from working with orthogonal vectors. This includes the study of orthogonal transformation, orthogonal bases, and orthogonal transformations. The course culminates in the theory of symmetric matrices, linking the [...]

Building Regression Models with Linear Algebra (Coursera)

In this course, you'll learn how to distinguish between the different types of regression models. You will apply the Method of Least Squares to a dataset by hand and using Python. In addition, you will learn how to employ a linear regression model to identify scenarios. Let's get started!

Introduction to Linear Algebra and Python (Coursera)

This course is the first of a series that is designed for beginners who want to learn how to apply basic data science concepts to real-world problems. You might be a student who is considering pursuing a career in data science and wanting to learn more, or you might [...]

Fundamental Linear Algebra Concepts with Python (Coursera)

In this course, you'll be introduced to finding inverses and matrix algebra using Python. You will also practice using row reduction to solve linear equations as well as practice how to define linear transformations. Let's get started!

Essential Linear Algebra for Data Science (Coursera)

Are you interested in Data Science but lack the math background for it? Has math always been a tough subject that you tend to avoid? This course will teach you the most fundamental Linear Algebra that you will need for a career in Data Science without a ton of [...]

Math for AI beginner part 1 Linear Algebra (Coursera)

'Learn concept of AI such as machine learning, deep-learning, support vector machine which is related to linear algebra. Learn how to use linear algebra for AI algorithm. After completing this course, you are able to understand AI algorithm and basics of linear algebra for AI applications.

Generalized Linear Models and Nonparametric Regression (Coursera)

In the final course of the statistical modeling for data science program, learners will study a broad set of more advanced statistical modeling tools. Such tools will include generalized linear models (GLMs), which will provide an introduction to classification (through logistic regression); nonparametric modeling, including kernel estimators, smoothing splines; [...]

Specialized Models: Time Series and Survival Analysis (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Specialized Models: Time Series and Survival Analysis (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course introduces you to additional topics in Machine Learning that complement essential tasks, including forecasting and analyzing censored data. You will learn how to find analyze data with a time component and censored data that needs outcome inference. You will learn a few techniques for Time Series Analysis [...]
Apr 15th 2024
Course Auditing
32.00 EUR/month