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Navigating Disruption: Becoming an Un-Disruptable Leader (Coursera)

This course helps you cultivate leadership skills that will make you un-disruptable. You discover the five key traits of un-disruptable leaders—ambidexterity, a beginner’s mindset, disruptive jujitsu, end-user ethnography, and emotional fortitude—and analyze the way they apply these traits to lead their organizations through disruption.. You engage in exercises to [...]

Developing a Leadership Framework (Coursera)

This course offers seasoned and up-and-coming leaders a clear, concise overview of the challenges of organizational leadership and practical strategies for improving as leaders. The lessons are structured around essential leadership responsibilities, including defining leadership, understanding what it is not, and understanding how to construct a leadership framework utilizing [...]

The Discipline of Leadership (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
The Discipline of Leadership (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Because it is likely you either want to improve your leader effectiveness or you may want to increase the number of leadership opportunities you have, this course will focus on outlining the factors that predict leader emergence (whether someone will emerge as a leader) and leader effectiveness.

Liderança Positiva e Desenvolvimento de Talentos (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Liderança Positiva e Desenvolvimento de Talentos. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre o papel do líder no processo da gestão de pessoas e gestão das carreiras para o sucesso da organização na era de negócios digitais e exponenciais. A Liderança Positiva, como forma de liderança e [...]

O Líder na Era do Digital e da Complexidade (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso O Líder na Era do Digital e da Complexidade. Neste curso, você aprenderá que indivíduos e organizações não podem se dar ao luxo de demorar ou perder o tempo de dar respostas e se adaptarem as demandas e pressões do ambiente em que atuam. Para [...]

As Competências do Líder Exponencial (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso O Líder na Era do Digital e da Complexidade. Neste curso, você aprenderá que indivíduos e organizações não podem se dar ao luxo de demorar ou perder o tempo de dar respostas e se adaptarem as demandas e pressões do ambiente em que atuam. Para [...]

Getting Started with Leadership (Coursera)

In this course, you will discover the importance of understanding context and its impact on the individual as a leader. You’ll consider how you define leadership and explore how organisations work through an exploration of the “what” and “why” of your own working environment. You will also look at [...]

Stepping Up: Preparing Yourself for Leadership (Coursera)

In this course, you will explore the importance of self awareness and feedback, as well as issues such as bias and imposter syndrome. As a leader, it is important to know when to step in and lead, as well as how to establish boundaries and resolve conflict. This [...]

Stepping Up: Leading Others (Coursera)

In this course, you will look at how to work with a diverse range of people to create and lead a high performing team. You will consider the differences between work groups and teams and explore team dynamics, the nature of remote teams and cross-cultural implications of leading teams. [...]

Liderazgo y comportamiento organizacional (Coursera)

El liderazgo está en todas partes. Está implicado en casi cada acción social. Muchas personas que tienen el potencial de ser líderes no se dan cuenta, necesitan desarrollar su potencial de liderazgo personal y organizacional. Muchos que se convierten en líderes no saben cómo manejar esas [...]