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Make Fresh Pasta the Real Italian Way | Learn with Eataly (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Make Fresh Pasta the Real Italian Way | Learn with Eataly  (Skillshare)
Free Course
Making fresh pasta at home opens up a whole world of authentic — and surprisingly easy — Italian cooking. This class is about the ins and outs of preparing pasta to perfection. Each lesson is thoughtfully taught by Nicoletta Grippo, chef at La Scuola di Eataly, the cooking school [...]

Italian for Beginners 1: Meeting, Greeting and Eating (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Italian for Beginners 1: Meeting, Greeting and Eating (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn how to order food and drink, greet people, and introduce yourself, in this first Italian for Beginners course. During the four weeks of the course, you will learn some of the vocabulary and phrases you need to help you interact with people at a basic level.
No sessions available
Course Auditing
49.00 EUR

Introduction to Italian (FutureLearn)

Learn basic Italian and explore Italian culture, with this free online Italian course. Have you been dreaming of visiting cities like Venice, Rome and Florence? Have you always wanted to learn Italian and get to know Italian culture? If so, this course is perfect for you. Over six weeks [...]

Storia del Diritto Romano (Federica Web Learning)

Il corso di storia del diritto romano, strutturato cronologicamente, si propone di offrire un efficace strumento per la comprensione delle nozioni fondamentali della storia giuridica, sociale, politica, costituzionale di Roma antica, dalle origini della civitas alla Codificazione giustinianea. L’analisi è tesa ad una corretta impostazione dell’approccio allo studio dei [...]

Storia d'Italia (Federica Web Learning)

In questo corso si discuterà della storia d'Italia, una vicenda che conta centocinquant'anni. Se ne discuterà, più che raccontarla. Si tratta infatti di una possibile interpretazione della storia d’Italia, non di "come sono andate davvero le cose".

Italian for Beginners 3: My Daily Life (FutureLearn)

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 Italian for Beginners 3: My Daily Life (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
In the third Italian for Beginners course, learn how to talk about your daily life and your leisure activities.
No sessions available
Course Auditing
49.00 EUR