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IoT Communications (Coursera)

This course builds on the previous course: IoT Devices. After we have built and programmed a small self-driving vehicle, now it's time get into more advanced territory and enhance the device's connectivity further. To do so you will study radio frequency (RF) communication, the MAC layer, Mesh Networking as [...]

IoT Networking (Coursera)

This course builds on the first two courses in this series: IoT Devices and IoT Communications. Here you will begin to learn enterprise IoT. Enterprise networks, from first-hop access to backend IoT services are critical because they allow your IoT devices to reach the Internet and achieve their true [...]

IoT Cloud (Coursera)

This course is the last course in our series of four courses and builds on the previous three courses: IoT Devices, IoT Communications, and IoT Networking. After we have built and programmed a small self-driving vehicle, we then set out to enhance its connectivity and add important security infrastructure. [...]

Rapid Prototyping of Embedded Interface Designs (Coursera)

Rapid Prototyping is the second of three classes in the Embedded Interface Design (EID) specialization, an online version of the on-campus EID class taught in graduate embedded systems design. This course is focused on rapid prototyping of devices and systems and the related methods, practices, and principles that [...]

Internet of Things V2: Setting up and Using Cloud Services (Coursera)

Have you wondered what exactly AWS is and why is it important? Do you want to make informed design decisions about which services to use? Do you want to gain expertise to leverage the cloud for your own projects? In this course, you will learn to interface with [...]

Capstone: Autonomous Runway Detection for IoT (Coursera)

The students will develop a larger system using the learning outcomes from these courses, and the students will evaluate the developed system in a real-world programming environment. This course is a true engineering task in which the student must, not only implement the algorithm code, but also handle the [...]

Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science (Coursera)

Apache Spark is the de-facto standard for large scale data processing. This is the first course of a series of courses towards the IBM Advanced Data Science Specialization. We strongly believe that is is crucial for success to start learning a scalable data science platform since memory and CPU [...]

Introduction to Architecting Smart IoT Devices (Coursera)

Embedded Systems are so ubiquitous that some of us take them for granted: we find them in smartphones, GPS systems, airplanes and so on. But have you ever wondered how these devices actually work? If so, you're in the right place! In this course, you'll learn about the characteristics [...]

Internet of Things: Communication Technologies (Coursera)

Have you wondered how “Things” talk to each other and the cloud? Do you understand the alternatives for conveying latency-sensitive real time data versus reliable signaling data? Building on the skills from the Sensing and Actuation course, we will explore protocols to exchange information between processors. [...]

Web3 and Blockchain Transformations in Global Supply Chains (Coursera)

Apr 21st 2024
Web3 and Blockchain Transformations in Global Supply Chains (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The global supply chain is a $50 trillion industry and is the foundation of our global economy. While information technology has improved the flow of goods globally over the last few decades, as the COVID-19 crisis revealed there is still critical work to do. Today’s supply chains are [...]
Apr 21st 2024
Course Auditing
74.00 EUR/month