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Information Gathering and Vetting (Coursera)

Information is key to every decision and every strategic move you make. But ensuring you have the right information takes work. Don’t look in every direction for an answer, and don’t force the solution you’re looking for. Instead, you can use a hypothesis and test it with data until [...]

Búsqueda avanzada y verificación de información (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Búsqueda avanzada y verificación de información (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso trata de facilitar una serie de competencias y destrezas necesarias para combatir la desinformación y así afrontar mejor los desafíos que plantea la era digital. Desarrollar unas habilidades esenciales a la hora de buscar información por medio de Internet mediante el uso de herramientas audiovisuales, recursos digitales, [...]

Infonomics II: Business Information Management and Measurement (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Infonomics II: Business Information Management and Measurement (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Even decades into the Information Age, accounting practices yet fail to recognize the financial value of information. Moreover, traditional asset management practices fail to recognize information as an asset to be managed with earnest discipline. This has led to a business culture of complacence, and the inability for most [...]

Infonomics I: Business Information Economics and Data Monetization (Coursera)

Thriving in the Information Age compels organizations to deploy information as an actual business asset, not as an IT asset or merely as a business byproduct. This demands creativity in conceiving and implementing new ways to generate economic benefits from the wide array of information assets available to an [...]

Learning Online: Searching and Researching (FutureLearn)

Apr 22nd 2024
Learning Online: Searching and Researching (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Improve your online research skills and your ability to critically analyse sources of information. In this course, you’ll explore the rich and diverse range of information available to you online, how to use search tools effectively, and the ways in which you can begin to assess information that you [...]

Introduction to the Threat Intelligence Lifecycle (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Introduction to the Threat Intelligence Lifecycle (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Today, we are faced with the increasing challenges of dealing with more aggressive and persistent threat actors, while being inundated with information, which is full of misinformation and false flags across multiple, unconnected systems. With information coming from such a wide variety of sources, how do you tell what [...]

Freedom of expression in the African media and digital policy landscape (edX)

This course explores freedom of expression, access to information, and online freedoms in Africa, considering disinformation and issues with Internet companies’ models. It addresses AI's impact on media and journalism, examining colonial legacies and neo-colonial control of communications for political repression, and civil society's role in achieving [...]

Competitive Advantage: Using Information to Build Business Success (FutureLearn)

Mar 28th 2022
Competitive Advantage: Using Information to Build Business Success (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn the value of information to businesses and how it can give you a competitive advantage. Apple, Facebook and Google are three of today’s most vibrant companies. What do they have in common? They all understand that the value of their business is built on what they know about [...]

Citi Investment Banking Virtual Reality Experience (Citibank)

Self Paced
Citi Investment Banking Virtual Reality Experience (Citibank)
Free Course
As a part of this Virtual Experience Program you will be playing the role of an Investment Banker at Citi. You have been assigned a variety of tasks for one of its key clients, Zeta Inc. You will need to create a company profile, a comparables company sheet and [...]