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Causes of Human Disease: Exploring Cancer and Genetic Disease (FutureLearn)

Sep 4th 2023
Causes of Human Disease: Exploring Cancer and Genetic Disease (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore how the unravelling of genetic code has led to a deeper understanding of genetic diseases and cancer. It’s widely known that some diseases run in families. The discovery of the structure of DNA and the unravelling of the genetic code has led to a deeper understanding of such [...]

Microbiomes & Sustainability (edX)

The course is an introduction to microbiomes and sustainability. It argues that global microbiomes are fundamentally relevant to sustainability. Topics include principles of sustainability, sustainable development, microbiomes in humans and the environment, bioremediation, and bioretention. For more than 3.5 billion years microbes and their communities (microbiomes) have shaped the [...]

Genética y Evolución: una aproximación cotidiana (edX)

Conoce las disciplinas de la genética y la evolución desde una aproximación accesible y entretenida. ¿Es el ADN un microchip que nos guía por la vida? ¿Somos los seres humanos parte de la evolución?¿Por qué no hay dos personas iguales? Este curso ofrece una aproximación cercana y comprensible a [...]

Genomic Technologies in Clinical Diagnostics: Next Generation Sequencing (FutureLearn)

Understand new and established genomic sequencing technologies, and how to apply them in clinical practice. Powerful new technologies have been driving forward immense and exciting changes in clinical practice. The days of peering down the microscope to detect chromosome abnormalities are gone, replaced by chromosome analysis at the genomic [...]

Tales from the Genome (Udacity)

Self Paced
Tales from the Genome (Udacity)
Free Course
Introduction to Genetics for Beginners. This course is a journey into the biology of the human genome and will highlight the scientific, social, and personal perspectives of people living with a variety of traits.

Genetica (Federica Web Learning)

ll corso di Genetica presenta una descrizione storica delle scoperte chiave condotte nel secolo scorso che hanno portato ai moderni concetti di gene e di genoma, con particolare enfasi sul metodo scientifico.

Shaping Future Healthcare: The Promise of Genes (OpenLearning)

No sessions available
Shaping Future Healthcare: The Promise of Genes (OpenLearning)
Free Course
In this course, you will be guided towards a better understanding of genes and their functions as well as how the environment and your lifestyle choices can affect your genes and in turn impact your health.

Useful Genetics, Part 2: Genes and Genetic Inheritance (edX)

Learn how genes are inherited and how they affect important personal and societal issues. Genetics permeates every aspect of the 21st century, from our doctors' offices to our judicial systems. By the end of this course, you’ll be well prepared to deal with both today’s genetic issues and new [...]

Cell Biology (

Legacy Course
Cell Biology (
Free Course
The cell is the fundamental unit of life; in fact, the smallest living organisms are composed of a single cell. We have learned that, despite their small size, cells are far from simple, and we have only recently begun to understand just how complex they are. This course will [...]