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Derivatives - Options & Futures (Coursera)

While investing and trading in the options market may seem somewhat more daunting than other asset classes such as stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, currencies and commodities, you’ll ultimately find that their complexity can be boiled down to simple concepts you’ll be able to understand and use the more you’re [...]

Forwards and Futures (edX)

Develop a comprehensive, practical understanding of forwards and futures including market conventions, contract specifications, valuation, and trading strategies. In this course – Forwards and Futures, the basic financial theories and concepts relevant to the topic will be discussed. The relationship between Forwards and Futures and the underlying security will [...]

Risk Management in the Global Economy (FutureLearn)

What is risk? This free course examines the financial markets and the role that risk management tools play in the global economy. What is risk? Why does it matter, to us and to the financial markets? What are the principles that drive the management of risk? Can we ensure [...]