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Understanding the Australian economy: An introduction to macroeconomic and financial policies (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Understanding the Australian economy: An introduction to macroeconomic and financial policies (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This four-week, four-module course explores selective aspects of the Australian economy, with emphasis on macroeconomic and financial policies. The course introduces participants to several key attributes of the Australian economy and discusses how they are influenced by both domestic and international forces. We will examine some of the key [...]

Comprendre l'écologie, pour une économie innovante (Coursera)

Conçu conjointement par le think-tank Ecolo-Ethik et ESCP Europe, ce MOOC se propose de vous aider à dépasser les idées reçues sur l’écologie, dans le souci d’une démarche ouverte et multiple. A ce titre, de grands experts reconnus interviendront pour illustrer, approfondir et enrichir les différentes [...]

Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities (Coursera)

How can we shape urban development towards sustainable and prosperous futures? This course will explore sustainable cities as engines for greening the economy. We place cities in the context of sustainable urban transformation and climate change. Sustainable urban transformation refers to structural transformation processes – multi-dimensional and radical change [...]

Macroeconomic Financial Accounts (Coursera)

This course is primarily aimed at undergraduates attending their final year or Master’s students in monetary and financial economics, international macroeconomics and data mining. Professionals in Government institutions, Central Banks, business and the financial industry, along with other professionals interested in finance and macroeconomics, may also benefit from this [...]

Driving business towards the Sustainable Development Goals (Coursera)

Extreme weather events, wars, famine and environmental destruction are just a few of the wicked problems faced by humanity. That’s why in 2015 the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that target the big challenges such as how [...]

Surviving Disruptive Technologies (On Demand) (Coursera)

The purpose of this course is to help individuals and organizations survive when confronted with disruptive technologies that threaten their current way of life. We will look at a general model of survival and use it to analyze companies and industries that have failed or are close to [...]

Introduction to Economics: Macroeconomics (edX)

Learn how a national economy works, including the determination of equilibrium levels of national income and prices. In this economics course, you will learn some of the major concepts of macroeconomics, such as gross domestic product, price level, inflation, unemployment, economic growth and the balance of [...]

Government Finance Statistics (edX)

This course examines the conceptual and practical elements of compiling and disseminating fiscal statistics according to international standards, useful to assess the impact of government activities on a country’s economy and to facilitate international comparisons. This course, presented by the IMF Statistics Department, focuses on both the conceptual framework [...]

Understanding Russian Economy. Problems of Transition (Coursera)

The purpose of the course is to bring the basic knowledge on the specific aspects of Russian economy that had significant impact on the latest development trends in Russia. This course will provide you with knowledge on: the basics of economy; understanding the role of market reforms in developing [...]

Экономика для неэкономистов (Economics for non-economists) (Coursera)

Главная цель курса - заложить у наших слушателей основы экономической грамотности, "экономического образа мышления" и показать, как экономические знания могут применяться в реальной жизни. Курс спроектирован так, чтобы быть интуитивно понятным даже слушателям, не обладающим какими-либо исходными знаниями по экономической теории, поэтому он не требует предварительной подготовки. Надеюсь, что [...]