Digital Technology

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Digital business - Act on the digital world (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Digital business - Act on the digital world (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The idea that digital technology triggers profound change in companies is largely accepted. There is indeed no question that the digital world is profoundly changing business life. Everyone is now on the same page. But with the digital world come a lot of misconceptions and buzzwords. You can no [...]

Digital Transformation (Coursera)

Digital transformation is a hot topic--but what exactly is it and what does it mean for companies? In this course, we talk about digital transformation in two ways. First we discuss the pace of change and the imperative it creates for businesses. Next we provide the context for this [...]

The Place of Music in 21st Century Education (Coursera)

What do children need from education now, and in the future? How is technology best used in teaching and learning? How can innovative approaches to education be reconciled with established, traditional ones? What does student-centred learning really mean? This five module course is not just for classroom or ensemble [...]

Introduction to Digital Transformation (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Introduction to Digital Transformation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is primarily for professionals, college students, and advanced high school students who are interested in driving the digital transformation by integrating automation, software, and cutting-edge technologies. This course represents a foundational introduction to Digital Transformation, appropriate for learners with a basic familiarity with common business terms [...]

Intelligence Tools for the Digital Age (Coursera)

Digital technologies are changing business, government and society worldwide. Clearly, they’re opening up new risks and opportunities for every sector of the world economy. Such “futurology” may offer you the big picture, but what does a digital world mean for you, personally? Will you be ready for [...]

Ensino Híbrido: Personalização e Tecnologia na Educação (Coursera)

Neste curso, oferecido pela Fundação Lemann em parceria com o Instituto Península, você terá a oportunidade de aprender, a partir de experiências reais, como integrar as tecnologias digitais no seu contexto escolar. As vivências compartilhadas pelos diferentes professores envolvidos neste curso lhe proporcionará reflexões sobre os modelos de Ensino [...]

Claves para la innovación en la docencia universitaria (Coursera)

Apr 1st 2024
Claves para la innovación en la docencia universitaria (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Claves para la innovación en la docencia universitaria forma parte de la dimensión docente del proyecto TO INN sobre la innovación en las instituciones de educación superior y, se centra específicamente, en aquellas que forman a futuros maestros y maestras, aunque, por sus características, es un curso abierto a [...]

Formación docente basada en la práctica para desarrollar habilidades del siglo XXI (Coursera)

El curso presenta, en primer lugar, las habilidades del siglo XXI y su relevancia para la formación docente con el fin de preparar docentes para la sociedad del conocimiento, capaces de pensar de manera crítica y creativa y con habilidades de comunicación y colaboración para promover oportunidades de aprendizaje [...]

Digital Transformation of Mining (edX)

This course provides learners with an overview of applications of digital technology across the value chain, including automation, monitoring and remote operations, to optimise the value extracted from a minerals deposit. It will also investigate how digitisation of the sector will likely change the required mining skills of the [...]