Digital Image

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Introduction to Image Processing (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Introduction to Image Processing (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this introduction to image processing, you'll take your first steps in accessing and adjusting digital images for analysis and processing. You will load, save, and adjust image size and orientation while also understanding how digital images are recognized. You will then perform basic segmentation and quantitative analysis. Lastly, [...]

Principles of Photo Composition and Digital Image Post-Production (Coursera)

Welcome to Course THREE! In the first two Modules you will gain a more professional-level understanding of the Design Elements that artists have used throughout history to create successful compositions. Arranging the Elements in ways that lead viewers through their compositions is an essential craft for photographers [...]

Photography Techniques: Light, Content, and Sharing (Coursera)

Welcome to Course FOUR! In Modules 1-4 you will cover the final elements of the Specialization necessary to round out this introduction to the fundamentals of Photography, and prepare you for creating your own exciting project in the Capstone! You have come a long way since the beginning of [...]

Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this class you will learn the basic principles and tools used to process images and videos, and how to apply them in solving practical problems of commercial and scientific interests. Digital images and videos are everywhere these days – in thousands of scientific (e.g., astronomical, bio-medical), consumer, industrial, [...]

Sensori di immagini e misure senza contatto (POK)

Il corso offre una panoramica dei principali concetti legati alla fotografia digitale, focalizzandosi sulle applicazioni in ambito astronomico per lo studio di oggetti celesti.

Introducción a la visión por computador: desarrollo de aplicaciones con OpenCV (edX)

Hasta dónde pueden ver las máquinas? Descubre la visión por computador programando aplicaciones de análisis de imágenes, uno de los campos más innovadores de la inteligencia artificial. Con este curso, el alumnado será capaz de aprender y entender los conceptos básicos de visión por computador, además de implementar [...]

Processing of Space Monitoring Information (Coursera)

Observation of near-Earth outer space is an important task for astronomers and scientists at the present time. This task is to determine the coordinate and non-coordinate characteristics of artificial space objects. According to data obtained, a catalogue of objects is created, which should be maintained and updated. For this, [...]

Art and Design in the Digital Age (edX)

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Art and Design in the Digital Age (edX)
Course Auditing
Explore and discover how art changes technology and how technology changes art. We tend to think of art and technology as two separate, almost opposite things. But what if we showed you that the development of technology owes its debt to artists? And that art would not be what [...]

Image Analysis Methods for Biologists (FutureLearn)

Available now
Image Analysis Methods for Biologists (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Get an introduction to image acquisition and analysis for biologists – from basic techniques to the future of image analysis. Improve your image analysis knowledge and ability to analyse your images. The use of automatic image analysis in the biological sciences has increased significantly in recent years, especially with [...]