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Clinical Epidemiology (Coursera)

Evidence forms the basis of modern medicine. Clinical research provides us with this evidence, guiding health professionals towards solutions to problems that they face in daily practice. Transferring existing problems in medical practice to a research setting is a challenging process that requires careful consideration. The practice of clinical [...]

Diagnosing Rare Diseases: from the Clinic to Research and back (FutureLearn)

Discover the role of research, clinical investigation and data sharing in diagnosing rare diseases. Learn about rare diseases diagnosis, genetic testing and diagnostic research. Around 30 million people in Europe are living with a rare genetic disease (a disease that affects less than 1 in 2,000 [...]

Machine Learning for Healthcare (edX)

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Machine Learning for Healthcare (edX)
Course Auditing
An introduction to machine learning for healthcare, ranging from theoretical considerations to understanding human consequences of deploying technology in the clinic, through hands-on Python projects using real healthcare data. Machine learning methods have revolutionized many aspects of healthcare, from new models that help clinicians make more informed decisions to [...]

Syndromic Testing and Antimicrobial Stewardship (FutureLearn)

Explore how syndromic testing can aid rapid disease diagnostics and what this means for antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programs. Learn about the value of a syndromic approach to infectious disease testing. This course offers healthcare professionals the chance to explore the background, benefits, and challenges of a syndromic approach to [...]

COVID-19 Diagnostics and Testing (FutureLearn)

Get the latest recommendations on COVID-19 diagnostics and testing, and how to improve testing capacity in low-income settings. Understand the key role diagnostics play in outbreak control. As the world struggles to contain the COVID-19 outbreak, healthcare infrastructure and testing capacity have emerged as major [...]

Beyond Diagnosis (FutureLearn)

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Beyond Diagnosis (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
An introduction to the history, practice and functions of psychiatric diagnosis.Is psychiatric diagnosis helpful? The issue of medical diagnosis in mental health has always been contentious, with many professionals questioning the reliability and validity of psychiatric diagnosis. On this course, you’ll get an introduction the history, practice and functions [...]
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Course Auditing
64.00 EUR

Doença de Chagas - Triagem e diagnóstico sorológico em Unidades Hemoterápicas e Laboratórios de Saúde Pública (TELELAB)

O curso propõe tratar de questões referentes à preparação de realização do método de diagnóstico da Doença de Chagas - da infeção por Trypanossoma cruzi - em ambiente de laboratórios de Saúde Pública, considerando a identificação e utilização adequada dos equipamentos e procedimentos.

Coleta de sangue - Diagnóstico e monitoramento das DST, AIDS e Hepatites Virais (TELELAB)

A proposta do curso é atualizar a capacitação do aluno para os procedimentos de coleta de sangue, disponibilizando orientações e metodologias adequadas para realização do processo. O curso contempla procedimentos de acolhimento do paciente ao transporte de amostras enfatizando itens de segurança.

Doença Falciforme - Conhecer para cuidar (TELELAB)

Este curso visa a transmitir aos participantes informações adequadas obre a Doença Falciforme, bem como estabelecer subsídios que possam contribuir com a melhoria do atendimento às pessoas com a doença. Você aprenderá a história da doença e sua dispersão pelo mundo, quais os principais sintomas que a caracterizam e [...]

Diagnóstico de Hepatites Virais (TELELAB)

O Curso descreve os vírus causadores de Hepatites e desenvolve conteúdo sobre as infecções causadas pelos vírus dos tipos B e C. Aborda os princípios metodológicos dos testes para o diagnóstico da infecção, os marcadores sorológicos, a realização, leitura e interpretação dos resultados dos testes.