Decision Making

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Cost Accounting: Decision Making (Coursera)

In the third course, you will learn how to use information from cost accounting to improve managerial decision-making. We discuss business decisions and suggest how cost information can support them best. For example, how will costs change if managers adjust cost drivers? How many units do companies need to [...]

Manager dans l'incertain (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Manager dans l'incertain (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Le MOOC “Manager dans l’incertain” s’adresse aux étudiants comme aux porteurs de projet et managers (qu'ils soient en activité professionnelle, juniors ou seniors dans leurs domaines de spécialité) mais aussi à tout acteur du monde de l'entreprise susceptible de prendre des décisions dans un contexte imprévisible. Ce MOOC vous [...]

Leadership (Coursera)

In this course, you will develop and strengthen your capacity to lead and recognize leadership exhibited by others in your organization. The professional business skills related to leadership gained through this course will help you to succeed working in any organization.

Organizational Concepts and Language (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn how to communicate using common organizational language, concepts, and frameworks useful for decision-making and problem-solving. The professional business skills related to business concepts and language gained through this course will help you to succeed working in any [...]

Pensamiento crítico: toma de decisiones razonadas (Coursera)

Tomar decisiones en el mundo de hoy, un mundo en creciente complejidad, con amplios cambios e incertidumbre, crea la necesidad de contar con aproximaciones que nos permitan discernir los verdaderos problemas y las causas que los originan. Identificar cuáles son estos problemas, requiere en la mayoría de los casos, [...]

Exploration et production de données pour les entreprises (Coursera)

Ce cours fournit un cadre analytique afin de vous aider à évaluer les problèmes clés de manière structurée. Il vous procurera également des outils afin de mieux gérer les incertitudes qui envahissent et compliquent les processus des entreprises. Plus précisément, vous serez initié(e) aux statistiques et à la manière [...]

Advanced Models for Decision Making (Coursera)

Business analysts need to be able to prescribe optimal solution to problems. But analytics courses are often focused on training students in data analysis and visualization, not so much in helping them figure out how to take the available data and pair that with the right mathematical model to [...]

Optimization for Decision Making (Coursera)

In this data-driven world, companies are often interested in knowing what is the "best" course of action, given the data. For example, manufacturers need to decide how many units of a product to produce given the estimated demand and raw material availability? Should they make all the products in-house [...]

Critical thinking: reasoned decision making (Coursera)

Making decisions in today's world, a world increasing in complexity, with broad changes and uncertainty, creates the need of approaches that allow us to discern the real problems and the causes that create them. Identifying these problems, in most cases, requires challenging the assumptions on which we base our [...]

Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Have you ever tried to find a solution to a problem only to realize you’ve been focusing on the wrong problem from the very beginning? Or you’ve proposed a solution only to have it shut down by your boss or coworkers? How stressful and defeating is that? With massive [...]