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Software Engineering: Implementation and Testing (Coursera)

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the process of developing software through planning, requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. This course focuses on the implementation and testing phases of SDLC, and you will examine different software development processes for large software systems development, and understand the strengths (pros) [...]

App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance en Français (Coursera)

Dans ce cours, les développeurs d'applications apprennent à concevoir et développer des applications cloud natives qui intègrent parfaitement les services gérés de Google Cloud. À travers un ensemble de présentations, de démonstrations et d'ateliers pratiques, ils découvrent comment appliquer les bonnes pratiques de développement d'applications et comment utiliser les [...]

FPGA Capstone: Building FPGA Projects (Coursera)

This course will give you hands-on FPGA design experience that uses all the concepts and skills you have developed up to now. You will need to purchase a DE10-Lite development kit. You will setup and test the MAX10 DE10-Lite board using the FPGA design tool Quartus Prime and the System Builder.

Inheritance and Data Structures in Java (Coursera)

This course provides a comprehensive look at Java inheritance, including access modifiers and overriding methods. Students are introduced to abstract classes, and will learn how to read and write to files, use regular expressions for parsing text, and how to leverage complex data structures like collections and maps. [...]

The Arduino Platform and C Programming (Coursera)

The Arduino is an open-source computer hardware/software platform for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control the physical world around them. In this class you will learn how the Arduino platform works in terms of the physical board and libraries and the IDE (integrated development [...]

Architecting Smart IoT Devices (Coursera)

This course will teach you how to develop an embedded systems device. In order to reduce the time to market, many pre-made hardware and software components are available today. You'll discover all the available hardware and software components, such as processor families, operating systems, boards and networks. You'll also [...]

GO Programming for Everyone: Part 1 (Coursera)

This course introduces you to the GO programming language. It is appropriate for a beginner, but especially for anyone who already knows C.

Advanced Modeling for Discrete Optimization (Coursera)

Optimization is a common form of decision making, and is ubiquitous in our society. Its applications range from solving Sudoku puzzles to arranging seating in a wedding banquet. The same technology can schedule planes and their crews, coordinate the production of steel, and organize the transportation of iron [...]

Build, Train, and Deploy ML Pipelines using BERT (Coursera)

Mar 25th 2024
Build, Train, and Deploy ML Pipelines using BERT (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In the second course of the Practical Data Science Specialization, you will learn to automate a natural language processing task by building an end-to-end machine learning pipeline using Hugging Face’s highly-optimized implementation of the state-of-the-art BERT algorithm with Amazon SageMaker Pipelines. Your pipeline will first transform the dataset into [...]
Mar 25th 2024
Course Auditing
42.00 EUR/month

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (edX)

Jan 24th 2024
Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (edX)
Course Auditing
An introduction to computer science as a tool to solve real-world analytical problems using Python 3.5. This course is the first of a two-course sequence: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, and Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science. Together, they are designed to help people with [...]