Computer Security

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TCP/IP and Advanced Topics (Coursera)

In this course, we give an in-depth study of the TCP/IP protocols. We examine the details of how IP enables communications across a collection of networks. We pay particular attention to the hierarchical structure of IP addresses and explain their role in ensuring scalability of the Internet. The role [...]

Peer-to-Peer Protocols and Local Area Networks (Coursera)

In this course, we discuss peer-to-peer protocols and local area networks. Part one in this course is to answer the question of how does a peer-to-peer protocol deliver reliable data transfer service across unreliable transmission lines or networks. We focus on several medium access control protocols and their [...]

Networking and Security in iOS Applications (Coursera)

You will learn to extend your knowledge of making iOS apps so that they can securely interact with web services and receive push notifications. You'll learn how to store data securely on a device using Core Data. You’ll also learn to securely deploy apps to the App Store and [...]

Seguridad informática: defensa contra las artes oscuras digitales (Coursera)

Este curso cubre una amplia variedad de conceptos, herramientas y mejores prácticas de seguridad de TI. Introduce amenazas y ataques, y las muchas formas en que pueden aparecer. Te daremos algunos antecedentes de algoritmos de cifrado y cómo se utilizan para salvaguardar los datos. Luego, nos sumergiremos en los [...]

Cyber Incident Response (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Cyber Incident Response (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The Cyber Incident Response course will give students an understanding of how incidents are responded to at a high level, as well as allow them to build important technical skills through the hands-on labs and projects. This course starts with a high-level discussion of what happens at each phase [...]

Cybersecurity Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies (Coursera)

This course gives you the background needed to gain Cybersecurity skills as part of the Cybersecurity Security Analyst Professional Certificate program. You will explore incident response methodologies and security models. You will learn to recognize and categorize key types of vulnerabilities and associated attacks against today's organizations. [...]

Penetration Testing, Incident Response and Forensics (Coursera)

This course gives you the background needed to gain Cybersecurity skills as part of the Cybersecurity Security Analyst Professional Certificate program. You will learn about the different phases of penetration testing, how to gather data for your penetration test and popular penetration testing tools. Furthermore, you will learn [...]

Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals for AWS Professionals (Coursera)

This accelerated 6-hour course with labs introduces AWS professionals to the core capabilities of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in the four technology pillars: networking, compute, storage, and database. It is designed for AWS Solution Architects and SysOps Administrators familiar with AWS features and setup and want to gain experience [...]

Planning, Auditing and Maintaining Enterprise Systems (Coursera)

Good system management not only requires managing the systems themselves, but requires careful planning to make systems interact with each other, auditing of the systems once the systems are built, and proactive maintenance of all systems. Organizations also rely on organizational policies, such as Acceptable Use Policies to bolster [...]