Business Ethics

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Resilience & Leadership: Concepts, Definitions, & Frameworks (Coursera)

Resilience & Leadership: Concepts, Definitions, & Frameworks is the first course in the specialization ‘Resilience Engineering and Leadership in Crisis’. The course introduces the common terms, definitions, and concepts that characterize resilient systems. Frameworks for resilience engineering and leadership in crisis are applied to complex systems and the built [...]

Business Ethics: Exploring Big Data and Tax Avoidance (FutureLearn)

Apr 22nd 2024
Business Ethics: Exploring Big Data and Tax Avoidance (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn why big data and tax avoidance are some of the biggest ethical issues facing businesses today and how they can be addressed. Explore the ethical complexities of big data and tax avoidance. Ethical behaviour brings significant benefits to businesses such as attracting employees, customers and investors. But failure [...]

Global Impact: Business Ethics (Coursera)

Global business ethics is the study and analysis of how ethics and global business are connected. How we should treat each other and our organizations in global and local contexts is the topic of this course. Business ethics and corporate responsibility are inherent in global commerce. Commerce [...]

Gestão de Stakeholders, Ética e Sustentabilidade Empresarial (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Gestão de Stakeholders, Ética e Sustentabilidade Empresarial (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Gestão de Stakeholders, Ética e Sustentabilidade Ambiental. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos para uma gestão ética dos stakeholders. Ao longo do curso serão desenvolvidos conceitos como: legitimidade, materialidade e valor para stakeholder. Serão apresentados modelos de mapeamento, análise, saliência e engajamento [...]

Success with Integrity: Business Ethics Foundation (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Success with Integrity: Business Ethics Foundation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Businesses around the world are reckoning with the impact of their ethical, or unethical, behavior on their bottom line as consumers seek to align their customs with businesses sharing their ethical outlook. This is a stimulating course designed for beginner or intermediate learners who wish to deeply consider [...]

Managing Responsibly: Practicing Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics (Coursera)

Managers are increasingly confronted with issues of sustainability, responsibility and ethics. Managing responsibly is an integrative approach to sustainability, responsibility and ethics, which allows you as a manager to deal competently with such challenges. This course will facilitate your learning process to engage in changing practices to make them [...]

Introduction to Corporate Sustainability, Social Innovation and Ethics (edX)

An introduction to the topic of sustainability from three perspectives: corporate sustainability, business ethics and social innovation. Sustainability is one of the key issues facing today’s society. This is underlined by the increasing attention on sustainability issues by governments, media, academics and [...]

Innovation Strategies for Socially Responsible Firms (edX)

Self Paced
Innovation Strategies for Socially Responsible Firms (edX)
Course Auditing
Acquire the knowledge and competencies needed to align societal and ethical values with commercial interests as part of your company’s innovation strategy. How can you assess and address uncertainties, potential risks and public and ethical concerns surrounding your innovation projects? How can you ensure that new products and services [...]

Business Ethics: An Introduction to Ethics for Business Leaders (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Business Ethics: An Introduction to Ethics for Business Leaders (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Identify the role that business ethics plays within a working environment with Dublin City University. Get an introduction to the study of business ethics within a working environment. This informative course will take you through the main themes and concepts of ethics within a business context. You’ll study business [...]
No sessions available
Course Auditing
64.00 EUR

Level 6 Diploma in Social Sciences (LIBS)

This Level 6 Diploma in Social Sciences is a tuition-free 120 credit programme. The programme is fast track, which can be completed online including the final exam. The self-paced mode allows participants to set their own learning schedule without any restrictions.