Stéphane Ducasse

Stéphane Ducasse is directeur de recherche at Inria. He leads the RMoD team. He is expert in two domains: object-oriented language design and reengineering. His works on traits have been introduced in AmbientTalk, Slate, Pharo, Perl-6, PHP 5.4 and Squeak. They have also influencedJavaScript, Scala and Fortress. Stéphane is also expert on software quality, program understanding, program visualisations, reengineering and metamodeling. He is one of the developers of Pharo. He is also one of the developers of Moose, an open-source software analysis platform . He created Synectique a company building dedicated tools for advanced software analysis. Stéphane wrote several books on programming learning and other topics such as web programming.

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Programmation objet immersive en Pharo / Live Object Programming in Pharo (FUN)

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 Programmation objet immersive en Pharo / Live Object Programming in Pharo (FUN)
Free Course
Que vous soyez un débutant ou un expert en programmation orientée objet, ce MOOC va changer votre façon de penser objet : venez apprendre ou redécouvrir la programmation objet avec Pharo ! If you are either a beginner or an expert in object-oriented programming, this MOOC will change the [...]