Paul Gobée

Paul Gobée is an M.D. who specialized in developing e-learning in anatomy since 2000 and in teaching gross anatomy of the abdomen since 2010. Together with his colleague Daniël Jansma he develops the e-learning materials of the department of Anatomy & Embryology, LUMC. He founded the CASK (Clinical Anatomical Skills) interactive tutorials, the reference site AnatomicalTerms.Info and the CASK microscopy viewer, all accessible at He developed an extensive e-learning course on the anatomy involved in procurement of abdominal organs for transplantation. This course is used internationally and is part of a mandatory trajectory in the training of abdominal donor surgeons in the Netherlands. He is an active member of the Clinical Anatomical Terminology committee of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists.

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Anatomy of the Abdomen and Pelvis; a journey from basis to clinic. (Coursera)

In this anatomy course you will explore the organs involved in our food digestion and discover the common causes of abdominal and pelvic pain. The latest graphics and animations will help you to find new insights and understanding of this part of the body, that has been the focus [...]