Maria Thirouard

After graduating from the Simon Bolivar University in Venezuela in 2004, Maria Thirouard continued her studies at IFP School, where she earned a Master in Internal Combustion Engines.
In 2006, she joined the IFPEN Engine Technologies Department, where she now holds the position of Research Engineer in the field of combustion. Her research focuses on the optimization of combustion systems in the field of diesel. She works on the development of high performance engines and is actively involved in the search for innovative solutions to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions at the source.
Maria joined IFP School in 2012 as a lecturer in the Center for IC Engines and Hydrocarbon Utilizations while keeping her research activities. She is in charge of the teaching unit on engine tests in the Energy and Powertrains program, the Energy and Products program and the Powertrain Engineering program. She also teaches diesel combustion, homogeneous combustion and engine testing.
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