Yoga Inversions - 2 - Learn - Forearm Balance (Skillshare)

Yoga Inversions - 2 - Learn - Forearm Balance (Skillshare)
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Yoga Inversions - 2 - Learn - Forearm Balance (Skillshare)
Going upside down makes you stronger and more flexible. Plus it changes your perspective. Use this sequence to build a Forearm Balance and watch your body and mind transform. As you work to build up to Pincha Mayurasana, a pose that requires a courageous, open heart, not to mention flexibility in the upper back and shoulders, notice when you feel challenged. If the physical part is hanging you up, concentrate on your upper body or your abdominal muscles to create the conditions necessary to go upside down.

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If fear is the problem and it takes hold, fully experience its texture as it arises, stay steady as those feelings move through you, and watch how they naturally dissolve.

The seeds of change already exist within you. Even if you don't go upside down today, you have everything you need your breath, your patience, and your resolve to transform your fear into curiosity and your cautious preparations into the exhilaration of a full inversion. Good luck!

Welcome to new journey FOREARM BALANCE. Pleas must watch all videos 2 or 3 times before you start your practice. and when you do your own practice must make notes for your own knowledge. that what date you start and how many days a week or month you practice, how long you practice. write your experience, it also helps you in future you can share your experiences with others. if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thank you !

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