Supporting eLearners (

Supporting eLearners (
Free Course
Intended for educators or professionals.
Supporting eLearners (
Say “no more” to online course designs that create isolated and unsupported learning environments. It is clear that the construction and delivery of eLearner materials need to be different from traditional classroom techniques, and the support for participants needs to be stronger. This course enables those involved in delivering or supporting eLearning activities to experience and explore what it means to be an eLearner, as well as explore the current evidence and research into this important and developing area. The course is highly interactive, and uses a wide variety of online techniques and tools.

The course covers:

- Definitions and explorations of eLearning

- eLearning pedagogy

- eLearning technologies

- The successful eLearner

- Assessment tutorial

- Mentoring eLearners

- Collaborative environments

- eAssessment

- The personal tutor online