Sew Like a Maker: Start with a Pillow Cover (Skillshare)

Sew Like a Maker: Start with a Pillow Cover (Skillshare)
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Sew Like a Maker: Start with a Pillow Cover (Skillshare)
Sewing: it's not just for Jr. High Girls and Home Ec Teachers anymore. Even MALE PEOPLE can do it. You can learn to sew like a DIY Ninja--with speed, just enough accuracy to get the job done, and with pins and patterns only when you feel like it. The sewing machine that is shoved in the back of your closet is an unbelievably handy tool that you can master well enough to tackle all sorts of projects.

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Envelope-Style Throw Pillow Cover (Beginner)

Even if you don't look around your house and pine for something more gorgeous, pIllow covers are a terrific beginner project. Think of making a pillow cover as a kickstart to tackling any straight line project with confidence. No experience required. No Home Ec Teachers Required. No Pins. No Patterns. No Fuss.

For your project, make an easy envelope-style pillow cover of your own. Each video lesson offers step-by-step instructions for you to watch and follow.

Then share what you make: Show & Tell is the best part.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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