Protected Areas Management in Africa (Coursera)

Protected Areas Management in Africa (Coursera)
This course is about areas dedicated nature conservation, "protected areas": how they work and why they are so important in maintaining the health of the environment in a fast developing world, and in particular in Africa. It will help you understand the challenges of conservation in Africa and how protected areas can help to deal with it, from the local to the international level.

This course is composed of 7 thematic modules (key concepts, planning, governance, management effectiveness, specificities of management, financing, topical issues) that include videos (introduction, 5 themes, one video on a convention related to PA and conclusion), readings, training quizzes (optional) and exams (one per week - compulsory for the certificate).

Many speakers share their knowledge and field experience during this course coordinated by the four professors: Paul Ndiaye from UCAD in Dakar, Paul Ouedraogo from the secretariat of the Ramsar Convention, Sylvie Goyet who used to work at the International Foundation for the Banc d'Arguin and Geoffroy Mauvais, who from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN-Papaco) and external collaborator at the College of Humanities at EPFL. The MOOC is co-produced by André Hoffmann, IUCN-Papaco and EPFL.

Whether you are a novice or professional conservationist you can follow this MOOC and decide how deep (optional readings, etc) and fast (5h per week for 7 weeks is only indicative, you may take more or less time according to your experience) you want or need to go.