Practical Internet of Things (IoT) with RaspberryPi (Miríada X)

Practical Internet of Things (IoT) with RaspberryPi (Miríada X)
El objetivo de este curso es dotar al alumno de los conocimientos y herramientas necesarios para introducirse en el apasionante mundo del Internet de las Cosas (loT). Al realizar el curso, el alumno será capaz de utilizar un Raspberry Pi para monitorizar y controlar dispositivos de su alrededor.

The "Practical Internet of Things (loT) with RaspberryPi" course will allow students to use a Raspberry Pi to monitor and control devices around them. The student will have the necessary knowledge to: use sensors and actuators to monitor rooms or zones, and be able to control devices (turning lights on and off, controlling motors, etc.); Develop programs that collect data and upload it to the cloud; Make mobile applications that use this data to interact with the user. In addition, the student will be given the necessary knowledge to use the Raspberry Pi: Linux-based embedded operating systems, Python programming, communication protocols, and input and output peripherals. It is important to note that the student will work with real devices, and at the end of the course the student will have a functional prototype for the IoT world!

Módulos del curso

Module 0. Presentation

Module 1. Introduction to Raspberry

Module 2. Introduction to Python programming

Module 3. Internet and Communications

Module 4. Sensors and Actuators

Module 5. Cloud Interfaces and Android

Module 6. Final Work Guidelines


The course is designed for students with a technological orientation. The focus of the course is essentially practical and therefore does not require specific training in any area. However, some familiarity with technological concepts is desirable. Specifically, basic computer skills (Linux) and programming (C / C ++, Java or Python) are desirable. These concepts are reviewed during the course to equalize the necessary knowledge but a knowledge base will allow for a better course follow-up.