The Path of the Conscious Parent (Mindvalley)

The Path of the Conscious Parent (Mindvalley)
Free Course

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The Path of the Conscious Parent (Mindvalley)
A New Parenting Masterclass: How To Be Less Reactive So You Can Raise Confident, Authentic Children. Join Dr. Shefali & Vishen Lakhiani To Deep Dive Into Your Fear And Stop Projecting Your Own Unmet Needs On Your Child. Take the connection to your child (and inner-child) to new heights in this FREE Masterclass.

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In This Masterclass You’ll Explore:

- The core principle of conscious parenting: and how honoring your child as a sovereign being is the key to your greatest spiritual awakening as a parent.

- Why traditional models of parenting can emotionally stifle your child. It may keep your child ‘disciplined’ but it may leave them fearful of honestly opening up to you.

- Are you unconsciously projecting your unmet needs onto your child? Learn how to show up ‘whole’ to your child so you can create the loving, unconditional connection both of you truly crave.

- The 3 Vital Needs of Every Child: understanding this powerful concept will instantly explain, and help you deal with your child’s most ‘disruptive behaviours’.

- If you get frustrated when your child is ‘acting out’, use this simple 5-minute exercise to quickly resolve the situation and heal any of your hidden parenting doubts and fears.

- The single easiest way to raise emotionally resilient children… and why wanting happiness for your child damages their self-esteem in the long run.

- And many profound insights into a radically new and empowering model of parenting.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.