How To Instantly Apply Feng Shui In Your Life (Mindvalley)

How To Instantly Apply Feng Shui In Your Life (Mindvalley)
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How To Instantly Apply Feng Shui In Your Life (Mindvalley)
Learn Five Unique Techniques from Feng Shui & Apply Them to Enhance Your Life, Health & Wealth. If You’ve Tried Every Personal Growth Practice In The Book But Still Feel Stuck… The Missing Piece You’ve Been Looking For May Just Be Rooted In The Ancient 4,000 Year Old Science Of Feng Shui. Prepare yourself to learn unique techniques from Feng Shui Master Marie Diamond in this FREE Masterclass.

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What You’ll Learn

1. Why business tycoons never compromise the direction of their desks,

and how to arrange yours so you can attract more wealth, abundance and business opportunities.

2. The secret of “decluttering” people rarely talk about

but ignoring it could disrupt the harmony of your family relationships and cost you your peace of mind.

3. How to introduce two universal Feng Shui colors into your life so you experience more abundance in your work

and more romance in your bedroom. (Careful… Mix these two up and you’ll end up sabotaging both your love life and your career.)

4. Why this common household item is referred to as the “energy doubler”

and how you can use it to amplify your levels of prosperity.

And Much Much More.

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Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.