Going Global 101: Develop a Smart Global Expansion Plan for Your Brand and Website (Skillshare)

Going Global 101: Develop a Smart Global Expansion Plan for Your Brand and Website (Skillshare)
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Going Global 101: Develop a Smart Global Expansion Plan for Your Brand and Website (Skillshare)
There are now more than four billion internet users around the world. Most of them live outside of the US and most do not speak English. Perhaps you would like to expand your website to reach new markets. Perhaps people in different countries have already purchased your products and you want to build upon this.

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This class will help you develop a plan to get started going global the smart way. That is, gradually and with attainable goals. By the end of this class you’ll have a plan for going global. This might apply to a product, a service, a website – or all of the above. I’ll help you ask the right questions to avoid making costly mistakes along the way.

This class assumes that you have no global or technical experience or speak any other language than English.

You will complete a self-assessment worksheet for taking your product, service, website, brand global. I’ve created a template that you will download and complete designed to help you better understand the opportunities and challenges you will face in expanding into new markets, ultimately providing you with a sound foundation for going global.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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