Dying2Learn: MOOC on Death and Dying (OpenLearning)

Dying2Learn: MOOC on Death and Dying (OpenLearning)
Free Course
This MOOC open to the general public. It has been designed for the general public in Australia, but everyone is welcome to join us.
Dying2Learn: MOOC on Death and Dying (OpenLearning)
Are death and dying changing in the 21st century? Is how we think about death changing? Think about the language we use when we talk about dying; Learn about how and what people die from now; Find out how art, music, and media have shaped our ideas on death; Discover what happens in the digital world when we die. This MOOC about Death and Dying will provide an opportunity to enable a community-driven approach to death and dying. The purpose of this MOOC is to facilitate social discussion about death and dying.

Participation in this course is FREE of charge. This MOOC has been created for the general public in Australia, and we would like to encourage people of all ages and from all walks of life to get involved with the MOOC and share their thoughts and experiences.

Dying2Learn will provide an opportunity for participants to supportively learn about and contribute to discussions on issues around death and dying. There will be MOOC facilitators to help guide you in your learning, but you and your fellow students will be viewed as co-contributors rather than merely recipients of education. The course is not designed to be medical or instructive. While it will provide information and resources, the focus will instead be on engaging people in conversations on the topic by posing questions and encouraging you to reflect on your reading and experiences. The Dying2Learn MOOC will encourage you to explore and ponder on the social, cultural, and physical aspects of death and dying, and consider how concepts and representations of death have changed over time.

Enrolments for the course open on 28th May 2018.

The Dying2Learn course content will be delivered over a 5-week period beginning on Monday 4th June 2018. It will include 4 core learning modules:

Week 1: How does today's society engage with death and dying? How do we use language to describe it?
Week 2: What does death 'look' like? How is death and dying portrayed in the media?
Week 3: If death is the problem, is medicine the answer? Examine what we die of, the role of medicine, and prolonging life versus prolonging death.
Week 4: Digital dying: What does death mean during the internet-age?

The MOOC will then conclude with a final reflections week, starting Monday 2nd of July 2018, where we will share our final reflections and experiences with each other.


Free Course
This MOOC open to the general public. It has been designed for the general public in Australia, but everyone is welcome to join us.