Diversification in Time and Space (NTNU)

Diversification in Time and Space (NTNU)
Free Course
Some background in genetics and phylogenetic biology is an advantage.
Diversification in Time and Space (NTNU)
Biodiversity changes through time and varies in space. The aim of this course is to understand major processes causing changes in biological diversity. Focus will be on understanding micro- and macro-evolutionary processes, how these change diversity and species distributions, and how to obtain knowledge of species histories. Emphasis will be placed on understanding methods used in analyses of evolutionary diversification in time and space, and in particular coalescent theory as a tool for understanding population genetic processes and inferring phylogenetic patterns.

The course consists of video lectures, online questions to each topic and discussion groups. NTNU students or students associated with the Nordic Academy of Biodiversity and Systematics (NABiS) must apply to take the course with code BI3810 following ordinary routines. Students must be registered in ForBio, NABiS or at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to take exam and obtain certificate.