Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students (Coursera)

Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students (Coursera)
Course Auditing

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Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students (Coursera)
Understanding the clinical terms and abbreviations commonly used in U.S. hospitals is challenging. Adaptation to clinical language can be difficult for U.S. students entering the clinical area and even more so for international students whose primary language is not English. This course is designed to help both groups of students understand the terms and abbreviations commonly encountered during the first three months of clinical work on a U.S. hospital unit.

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All content including quizzes are available at no cost to the learner. If you need a certificate, you can apply for financial aid or pay the fee. To find out more, click Learn more and apply next to the information about Financial Aid. (Use a computer, not a mobile device, for this step.)



Introduction to Clinical Terms and Abbreviations

In the week 1 video lecture, Dr. Swigart introduces the course and strategies for understanding the structure of clinical abbreviations and complex terms. In week 1 readings, we focus on learning abbreviations related to vital signs. Understanding the structure of abbreviations will help you to identify the meaning of abbreviations presented in this course, as well as those you encounter in the future.


Decoding Complex Medical Terms

In week 2, we expand our focus to learn about abbreviations and terms used in the hospital environment. You will tour a modern U.S. clinical unit and visit the bedside of three patients. These vicarious bedside experiences will help you to imagine the context in which the terms and abbreviations are used. Making associations of the terms or abbreviations to specific people, places or types of patients will help to “set” them in your memory. Begin Week 2 by previewing the complex medical terms you will find in this lesson and sharpening your skills for analyzing the structure of complex terms.


Advanced Decoding Strategies for Clinical Terms

This week, Dr. Swigart shares more strategies toward discovering the meaning of complex medical/scientific words. It focuses on three essential clinical topics: abbreviations used in emergency situations, the timing and route of medications, and the administration of intravenous infusions. Learning about abbreviations related to medication and intravenous fluid administration requires that you pay close attention.


Diseases of the Bodily Systems

This week turns the focus to the acronyms commonly substituted for the name of diseases and conditions of the bodily systems. To help you relate the disease and its acronym, we have organized the diseases according to systems of the body. First letters of words or syllables usually form the acronym, and commonly at least one letter relates to a system of the body


Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures

This week, the lecture focuses on the important aspects of patient safety when using abbreviations. The readings focus on laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures. A patient-case approach is used to help you make associations between diseases and the tests or procedures typically required.


Practice Understanding Clinical Abbreviations and Complex Terms in Clinical Situations

As you worked through Week 1-5 sessions you have learned about abbreviations and terms used every day in clinical practice. Now you are ready to use your new knowledge and test your comprehension skills. This week you see and hear clinical conversation in reality-based video simulations.

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