Build quick and beautiful WordPress sites (OpenClassrooms)

Build quick and beautiful WordPress sites (OpenClassrooms)
Free Course
Build your website with HTML5 and CSS3 by Mathieu Nebra and Emily Reese
Build quick and beautiful WordPress sites (OpenClassrooms)
WordPress is a widely-known platform used by 26% of all websites on the internet! There are so many ways to approach using WordPress that it can be hard to know where to start. This course will take you on a clear and easy journey through installation, customization, and launch of a WordPress site (without writing a line of backend code) so that you can get great-looking websites up running quickly, whether it's for a client request or for your own use.

Learning goals:

By the end of this course, you'll learn:

- how WordPress came to be and why you'd use it;

- how to launch a WordPress site live on the web quickly;

- mock up a WordPress site structure;

- find and install the perfect theme for your needs;

- customize a design to fit your content.

Pre-requisites: Build your website with HTML5 and CSS3 by Mathieu Nebra and Emily Reese

Part #1 - Launch and configure WordPress

1. What is WordPress?

2. Launch your WordPress site

3. Configure your WordPress settings

Quiz: WordPress introduction quiz

Part #2 - Tailor your WordPress site

1. Mock up your site structure

2. Install a WordPress theme

3. Tweak your WordPress theme

4. Customize a WordPress theme's inner workings

Activity: Integrate a theme and plugin of your choice