Basics of Photography - Exposure Triangle (Skillshare)

Basics of Photography - Exposure Triangle (Skillshare)
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Basics of Photography - Exposure Triangle (Skillshare)
The Exposure Triangle sounds difficult, but it is the basis of every photograph. It is made up of Shutter speed, Aperture, and ISO. Once you have a grasp of these basic facets of photography you will be able to create any image you can think of.

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In this course we will cover these three basic and powerful elements of photography; what they do and how they can effect your images. Knowing these basics will not only help you to improve your photographs, but will also help you get out of Auto mode on your camera.

The best way to learn is to actually take photos and change your settings. So your project is to get out and take some photos. Take a photograph with two sets of exposure settings. They should appear to have the same exposure, but the settings should be different. Use the exposure triangle to make adjustments and then post both images so we can all learn from your experiences.

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