Basic English terminology for building and civil engineering construction (Miríada X)

Basic English terminology for building and civil engineering construction (Miríada X)
Free Course
Recommended: From basic level A1 to intermediate level B1 of the English language.
Basic English terminology for building and civil engineering construction (Miríada X)
Are you finding it difficult to locate the right technical terms in English? Would you like to improve your English-language skills and open up new professional prospects? Do you want to learn more about the basic terms in English used in building and civil engineering construction? If so, you've selected the right course!

This course provides students with an interactive learning experience that combines the meaning and pronunciation of basic building and civil engineering construction terms with the comprehension of simple texts containing scientific and technical matter related to those fields. This is a challenging course that will help students to increase their knowledge of technical terms, used in context, as well as their pronunciation. Taught in English, the course focuses on the integration of authentic resources, including specialized texts, audio and audiovisual materials, activities and links to technical texts, dictionaries and videos for students wishing to gain further knowledge of this specialized language. Students will be able to share their experiences with the other participants in the course and also with the experts from the teaching team.

Módulos del curso

Module 0. Introduction

Module 1. General terms

Module 2. Construction materials and techniques

Module 3. Foundations and structures

Module 4. Construction elements: Walls and openings

Module 5. Floors and roofs, services and fittings