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Agir pour sa santé ! (FUN)

Oct 10th 2022
Agir pour sa santé ! (FUN)
Free Course
Etre en bonne santé, ce n’est pas un secret, ça nous permet de profiter plus longtemps d’une vie de qualité. Mais pour rester en bonne santé, il faut agir et ce n’est pas qu’une question de motivation! Il existe des dizaines de comportements de santé : mettre de la [...]

Les Principes de la Finance (edX)

S’équiper de la boite à outils du financier pour prendre des décisions judicieuses d’investissement ou d’épargne. La finance est omniprésente et les décisions financières nous concernent tous. Tout individu est un jour ou l’autre amené à épargner ou emprunter. La sélection des projets d’investissements et leur financement sont [...]

Strong sustainability and Europe (FUN)

Sustainable development, popularized by the Brundtland Report, was defined at the end of the 1980s in three spheres (economic, environmental and social). It is this representation that continues today to be disseminated to the public and to large companies. The objective of this MOOC is to question the major [...]

Upcycling and the Circular Economy: Ghanaian Creative Solutions to Global Textile Waste (FutureLearn)

Aug 29th 2022
Upcycling and the Circular Economy: Ghanaian Creative Solutions to Global Textile Waste (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore the environmental impact of fast fashion in Ghana and discover localised solutions to a global issue. Learn to create collective change with Ghanaian creatives at THE REVIVAL. Almost three-quarters of all textile waste is incinerated or sent to landfill. On this two-week course, you’ll discover the global impact [...]

Vaccinology (FUN)

Apr 26th 2022
Vaccinology (FUN)
Course Auditing
This MOOC describes the successes of vaccination in preventing diseases, as well as the remaining challenges in regard of persisting epidemics and new pandemics.

Voyage musical dans la France du 17e siècle (edX)

Jun 2nd 2022
Voyage musical dans la France du 17e siècle (edX)
Course Auditing
Ce MOOC vous propose de partir à la découverte des lieux, des musiciens et des repertoires de la musique française du 17e siècle.

A musical journey through 17th Century France (edX)

Jun 2nd 2022
A musical journey through 17th Century France (edX)
Course Auditing
This MOOC will introduce you to the richness and beauty of the French 17th century music by carrying you to the places where it resounded. In French with English subtitles, You will discover how this repertoire has been built and enhanced with regards to its compositions and perceptions throughout [...]

Ethics & STICs: scientific integrity, research ethics & information ethics for ICTs (FUN)

Training in scientific integrity, open science, research ethics and information ethics for doctoral students in information technologies. What does integrity in research mean and why is it important to follow an ethical conduct in your research work? Entering a PhD programme, you are moving from a student’s position, where [...]

Understanding Fashion: From Business to Culture (FutureLearn)

From its impact on culture and society to consumer behaviour, discover the business of fashion with Institut Francais de la Mode. Study fashion and culture with fashion industry experts from Chanel and YSL. Over almost 150 years, the fashion industry has transformed many aspects of Western culture. On this [...]

Cours de stratégie de l'École de Guerre (Partie I) (FUN)

Le « Cours de stratégie de l’École de Guerre » est un MOOC coproduit par l’EPHE et l’École de Guerre. Diffusé en deux parties, il permet d’acquérir les connaissances indispensables à la compréhension des enjeux stratégiques contemporains.