Statistics & Data Analysis

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SQL for Data Science (Coursera)

This course is designed to give you a primer in the fundamentals of SQL and working with data so that you can begin analyzing it for data science purposes. You will begin to ask the right questions and come up with good answers to deliver valuable insights for your [...]

Functional Programming in Scala Capstone (Coursera)

In the final capstone project you will apply the skills you learned by building a large data-intensive application using real-world data. You will implement a complete application processing several gigabytes of data. This application will show interactive visualizations of the evolution of temperatures over time all over the [...]

Bayesian Statistics: Techniques and Models (Coursera)

This is the second of a two-course sequence introducing the fundamentals of Bayesian statistics. It builds on the course Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis, which introduces Bayesian methods through use of simple conjugate models. Real-world data often require more sophisticated models to reach realistic conclusions. This course [...]

Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python (Coursera)

This course will introduce the learner to information visualization basics, with a focus on reporting and charting using the matplotlib library. The course will start with a design and information literacy perspective, touching on what makes a good and bad visualization, and what statistical measures translate into in terms [...]

Creating Dashboards and Storytelling with Tableau (Coursera)

Leveraging the visualizations you created in the previous course, Visual Analytics with Tableau, you will create dashboards that help you identify the story within your data, and you will discover how to use Storypoints to create a powerful story to leave a lasting impression with your audience.

Linear Regression for Business Statistics (Coursera)

Regression Analysis is perhaps the single most important Business Statistics tool used in the industry. Regression is the engine behind a multitude of data analytics applications used for many forms of forecasting and prediction. This is the fourth course in the specialization, "Business Statistics and Analysis". The course [...]

Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science (Coursera)

Apache Spark is the de-facto standard for large scale data processing. This is the first course of a series of courses towards the IBM Advanced Data Science Specialization. We strongly believe that is is crucial for success to start learning a scalable data science platform since memory and CPU [...]

Visual Analytics with Tableau (Coursera)

In this third course of the specialization, we’ll drill deeper into the tools Tableau offers in the areas of charting, dates, table calculations and mapping. We’ll explore the best choices for charts, based on the type of data you are using. We’ll look at specific types of charts [...]

Business Applications of Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Interval Estimation (Coursera)

Confidence intervals and Hypothesis tests are very important tools in the Business Statistics toolbox. A mastery over these topics will help enhance your business decision making and allow you to understand and measure the extent of ‘risk’ or ‘uncertainty’ in various business processes. This course advances your knowledge about [...]

Data Processing Using Python (Coursera)

This course is mainly for non-computer majors. It starts with the basic syntax of Python, to how to acquire data in Python locally and from network, to how to present data, then to how to conduct basic and advanced statistic analysis and visualization of data, and finally to [...]