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Digitalization in International Relations (Coursera)

Course participants will gain fundamental knowledge and practical skills regarding how to apply big data analysis, social media methods of analysis, how to build a digital information campaign strategy, how to operate by legal and technical components of global Internet governance in the practice of multilateral negotiations, and how [...]

Beyond the Ballot: Women’s Rights and Suffrage from 1866 to Today (FutureLearn)

Explore the campaign for women’s right to vote and its impact on women’s rights and equality to the present day. Explore the remarkable history of women's rights. 6th February 2018 will mark the centenary of the Representation of the People Act, the change in the law that gave (some) [...]

Diffusion and Impact of Internet Voting (UT)

The MOOC is comprised of weekly video lectures, which are divided into eight issue specific modules, introducing such topics as the theory and foundational pre-requisites of e-government in Estonia; diffusion and usage of electronic voting; impact on voter turnout and electronic results as well as behavioural aspects and the [...]