Virtual Classroom

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Online teaching: Using Zoom to connect with learners (Coursera)

Using cloud-based video conferencing platforms such as Zoom has become, for many people, a part of everyday life. This is particularly true for learners of all ages who are now spending more time online connecting with their peers or studying remotely. To ensure a successful learning experience for our [...]

Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom (Coursera)

Welcome to Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom! This course will help you effectively assess student performance virtually, including compliance issues, feedback models, online grade book functions, and data analysis. We will discuss why effective measures of performance and assessment are a crucial component of any virtual program, and [...]

Advanced Instructional Strategies in the Virtual Classroom (Coursera)

Welcome to Advanced Instructional Strategies in the Virtual Classroom! This course will help you apply strategies to the critical areas of K-12 virtual instruction to significantly impact virtual education. We will examine the pitfalls beginning teachers run into and learn how to overcome them by focusing on the fundamentals [...]

Emerging Trends & Technologies in the Virtual K-12 Classroom (Coursera)

Welcome to Emerging Trends and Technologies in K-12! This course will help you evaluate and implement technology in the most useful way within your virtual classroom setting. We will discuss the possibilities and challenges of using technology in fully online environments, although many of the ideas can be applied [...]

Clase interactivas y dinámicas en Classroom (Coursera)

Al final del Proyecto podrás crear clases dinámicas e interactivas, que por medio de aulas virtuales, te ayudarán a organizar los contenidos de la clase y fomentar el interés y la motivación los estudiantes, des este modo los estudiantes podrán observar los temas y subtemas organizados cronológicamente de las [...]

Expanda su desarrollo profesional con Google Classroom (Coursera)

Mar 7th 2022
Expanda su desarrollo profesional con Google Classroom (Coursera)
Free Course
Al final de este proyecto, los participantes sabrán cómo configurar una clase de Google Classroom para diferentes tipos de capacitación, entrenamiento y proyectos corporativos, cómo invitar y agregar personas a la clase virtual, cómo agregar y compartir contenido, cómo asignar tareas, compartir comentarios sobre las tareas y cómo [...]