Urban Environment

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Villes africaines: Environnement et enjeux de développement durable (Coursera)

Le cours propose une lecture de l’environnement urbain en Afrique à travers les thématiques les plus pertinentes pour mesurer le niveau de développement d’un pays : eau et vie urbaine, assainissement (eaux usées et pluviales), gestion des déchets solides, agriculture urbaine. Après avoir analysé les différents enjeux de celles-ci, [...]

Cities and the Challenge of Sustainable Development (edX)

Self Paced
Cities and the Challenge of Sustainable Development (edX)
Course Auditing
What is a sustainable city? Learn the basics here. According to the United Nations, urbanization and population growth could result in an increase of 2.5 billion people into urban populations by 2050, with associated impacts ranging from increased transportation needs to more building. How do we make cities sustainable [...]

Evaluación e impacto de la sostenibilidad en el entorno urbano (edX)

El curso presenta los elementos básicos y las tendencias para realizar una evaluación completa del entorno construido y desarrolla las herramientas para el análisis de impacto de la política de sostenibilidad urbana.

Nature Based Metropolitan Solutions (edX)

Discover the potential benefits of nature-based solutions (NBS) in metropolitan areas and develop strategies for their implementation. How can ecosystems contribute to quality of life and a more livable, healthier and more resilient urban environment? This course establishes the priorities and highlights the direct values of including principles based [...]

Introduction to Urban Geo-Informatics (edX)

Learning about geospatial technologies, such as GIS, Remote Sensing, GNSS and Underground Mapping, to solve urban environmental issues. In this course, you will explore various technologies involved in Geo-Informatics, how the technologies help us to retrieve spatial data, and more importantly how the geographical data becomes the information used [...]

Sustainable Urban Environments (edX)

Learn how integrated systems and individual actions can shape sustainable cities, generating higher quality of life for the future. How can we strengthen sustainability? By empowering individuals and communities to transform and balance dynamic natural resources, economic prosperity, and healthy populations. In this course, you’ll explore productive and disruptive [...]

Water for Liveable and Resilient Cities (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Water for Liveable and Resilient Cities (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Learn how water can be used in the planning of cities to improve liveability in the face of climate change and population growth. Water plays a central role in almost every aspect of our urban environment and quality of life in our cities. Alarmingly, the combined impacts of rapid [...]