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Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production (Coursera)

Apr 24th 2024
Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In the fourth course of Machine Learning Engineering for Production Specialization, you will learn how to deploy ML models and make them available to end-users. You will build scalable and reliable hardware infrastructure to deliver inference requests both in real-time and batch depending on the use case. You will [...]
Apr 24th 2024
Course Auditing
42.00 EUR/month

Machine Learning Capstone (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Machine Learning Capstone (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this Machine Learning Capstone course, you will be using various Python-based machine learning libraries such as Pandas, scikit-learn, Tensorflow/Keras, to: build a course recommender system; analyze course related datasets, calculate cosine similarity, and create a similarity matrix; create recommendation systems by applying your knowledge of KNN, PCA, and [...]

Advanced Learning Algorithms (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Advanced Learning Algorithms (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In the second course of the Machine Learning Specialization, you will: build and train a neural network with TensorFlow to perform multi-class classification; apply best practices for machine learning development so that your models generalize to data and tasks in the real world; build and use decision trees and [...]

Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals en Español (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals en Español (Coursera)
Course Auditing
En este curso a pedido y acelerado de 1 semana, los participantes descubrirán las capacidades de los macrodatos y del aprendizaje automático de Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Además, se proporciona una descripción general rápida de Google Cloud Platform y más detalles sobre las capacidades de procesamiento de [...]

Launching into Machine Learning en Français (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Launching into Machine Learning en Français (Coursera)
Course Auditing
À partir de l'histoire du machine learning, nous examinons les raisons pour lesquelles les réseaux de neurones fonctionnent si bien de nos jours dans différents problèmes liés à la science des données. Nous évoquons ensuite la façon d'aborder un problème d'apprentissage supervisé et le moyen d'y répondre en utilisant [...]

Object Localization with TensorFlow (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Object Localization with TensorFlow (Coursera)
Free Course
Welcome to this 2 hour long guided project on creating and training an Object Localization model with TensorFlow. In this guided project, we are going to use TensorFlow's Keras API to create a convolutional neural network which will be trained to classify as well as localize emojis in images. [...]

Generative Deep Learning with TensorFlow (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Generative Deep Learning with TensorFlow (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will: a) Learn neural style transfer using transfer learning: extract the content of an image (eg. swan), and the style of a painting (eg. cubist or impressionist), and combine the content and style into a new image; b) Build simple AutoEncoders on the familiar MNIST [...]

Custom Models, Layers, and Loss Functions with TensorFlow (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Custom Models, Layers, and Loss Functions with TensorFlow (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will: • Compare Functional and Sequential APIs, discover new models you can build with the Functional API, and build a model that produces multiple outputs including a Siamese network; • Build custom loss functions (including the contrastive loss function used in a Siamese network) in [...]

Custom and Distributed Training with TensorFlow (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Custom and Distributed Training with TensorFlow (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will: • Learn about Tensor objects, the fundamental building blocks of TensorFlow, understand the difference between the eager and graph modes in TensorFlow, and learn how to use a TensorFlow tool to calculate gradients; • Build your own custom training loops using GradientTape and TensorFlow [...]

Advanced Deployment Scenarios with TensorFlow (Coursera)

Bringing a machine learning model into the real world involves a lot more than just modeling. This Specialization will teach you how to navigate various deployment scenarios and use data more effectively to train your model. In this final course, you’ll explore four different scenarios you’ll encounter when deploying [...]