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Justice and Equity in Technology Policy (Coursera)

Apr 1st 2024
Justice and Equity in Technology Policy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
More than ever, technology is shaping, and being shaped by, public policy. This has an enormous impact, particularly for marginalized communities. The artificial intelligence and computer algorithms increasingly driving government and industry decisions—from the allocation of social services to hiring—are reflecting and reinforcing social biases towards women, people of [...]

English Communication for Tech Professionals (Coursera)

Apr 1st 2024
English Communication for Tech Professionals (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Improve your English, boost your tech career, and move toward a higher-paying job by leveling up your communication skills in English Communication for Tech Professionals brought to you by Arizona State University and English4IT.

Constructivism and Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (Coursera)

This course is designed to help participants examine the implications of constructivism for learning and teaching in science, mathematics, and technology focused areas. Course readings, discussions, and assignments will examine constructivist views of learning, research on students' ideas and idea-based interactions, research on instructional approaches taking student ideas into [...]

Learning Technologies Foundations and Applications (Coursera)

This course, Learning Technologies Foundations and Applications, is one of the two four-week MOOC courses that form part of Instructional Design MasterTrack Certificate.

Electric Utilities Fundamentals and Future (Coursera)

The approach of this course is truly unique in how it approaches and engages learners. It looks at the electric utility industry, which has remained critical to our quality of life, health and comfort from the eyes of numerous industry experts through on-location interviews, compelling visuals, and animation. You [...]

¿Cómo (nos) cambia la Tecnología? (Coursera)

La tecnología forma parte de nuestro día a día, es algo tan naturalizado, que muchas veces no somos conscientes de como esto llega a nuestras manos, cuantas personas lo tuvieron antes que nosotros y cuál es el impacto. (Social, Económico, Ambiental y especialmente Cultural) que tiene sobre nuestras [...]

Chinese Politics Part 2 - China and the World (Coursera)

One of the most significant changes in the world in the past 30 years is the opening of China to the outside world and its engagement with that world. In the initial years of the opening, external forces influenced China’s economy, regional balances, bureaucracy, as well as the political [...]

How to Change the World (Coursera)

How can we use the things we share in common to address some of the most challenging problems facing the world? This course examines issues concerning poverty, the environment, technology, health care, gender, education and activism to helps us understand better how to initiate positive change.

Ciberseguridad. Bases y estructuras para la protección de la información (edX)

Self Paced
Ciberseguridad. Bases y estructuras para la protección de la información (edX)
Course Auditing
Sé capaz de blindar tu información y la de tu empresa contra las amenazas informáticas y conoce los fundamentos del fascinante mundo de la ciberseguridad. En la actualidad el acceso a las bases de datos, a las redes de computadoras y la información en la nube es esencial para [...]

Vocal Recording Technology (edX)

Explore emerging innovations in vocal production, audio engineering, recording, and mixing. We are in the midst of an explosion of musical creativity as a result of technologies that allow you to record music using your laptop or tablet. Whether you are a singer, music producer, audio engineer, or just [...]