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Statistical Analysis Fundamentals using Excel (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Statistical Analysis Fundamentals using Excel (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is aimed at familiarizing Data and Business professionals with the basic concepts of statistical analysis and methods used for data-driven decision-making. After completing this course, you will be able to apply descriptive and inferential analysis methods, use data visualization methods to communicate data, apply concepts of probability [...]

Statistics and Data Analysis with Excel, Part 1 (Coursera)

Designed for students with no prior statistics knowledge, this course will provide a foundation for further study in data science, data analytics, or machine learning. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, and discrete and continuous probability distributions. Assignments are conducted in Microsoft Excel (Windows or Mac versions). Designed to be [...]

Resampling, Selection and Splines (Coursera)

"Statistical Learning for Data Science" is an advanced course designed to equip working professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of data science. Through comprehensive instruction on key topics such as shrink methods, parametric regression analysis, generalized linear models, and general additive models, students [...]

Pre-MBA Quantitative Skills: Data Analysis (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Pre-MBA Quantitative Skills: Data Analysis (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will equip students with the quantitative skills needed to begin any Masters of Business Administration program. The goal is not to build foundational skills or expert mastery but rather, to provide some middle ground to “shake the rust off” skills that a typical MBA student probably knows, [...]
Apr 15th 2024
Course Auditing
46.00 EUR/month

Statistics for Marketing (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Statistics for Marketing (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course takes a deep dive into the statistical foundation upon which marketing analytics is built. The first part of this course will help you to thoroughly understand your dataset and what the data actually means. Then, it will go into sampling including how to ask specific questions about [...]

Fundamentos de estadística aplicada (Coursera)

El curso está orientado a profesionales de diferentes campos, que estén interesados en adquirir conceptos fundamentales de estadística aplicada. El contenido del curso será particularmente útil para profesionales que estén interesados en adelantar estudios de postgrado en ingeniería, administración o economía, entre otras profesiones, y que requieran de una [...]

Estadística y probabilidad (Coursera)

En este curso podrás apoyar tu formación en temas de estadística y probabilidad I. Más allá de que encuentres aquí un apoyo para lograr una calificación, el curso busca ayudarte a que adquieras los aprendizajes que comprenden temas de estadística descriptiva, datos bivariados y probabilidad, los cuales te serán [...]

Data Science as a Field (Coursera)

This course provides a general introduction to the field of Data Science. It has been designed for aspiring data scientists, content experts who work with data scientists, or anyone interested in learning about what Data Science is and what it’s used for. Weekly topics include an overview of the [...]

Inferential Statistics (Coursera)

This course covers commonly used statistical inference methods for numerical and categorical data. You will learn how to set up and perform hypothesis tests, interpret p-values, and report the results of your analysis in a way that is interpretable for clients or the public. Using numerous data examples, you [...]

Statistics for Data Science with Python (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Statistics for Data Science with Python (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This Statistics for Data Science course is designed to introduce you to the basic principles of statistical methods and procedures used for data analysis. After completing this course you will have practical knowledge of crucial topics in statistics including - data gathering, summarizing data using descriptive statistics, displaying [...]