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Building Your Leadership Skills (Coursera)

When taking this course, you will raise your own self-awareness and gain self-confidence for a better leadership. You will discover a new approach to leadership based on trust and sense. The “Savoir-Relier” leadership, a new approach of leadership, taught to HEC MBA’s student and top executives, enables better team [...]

Sales Pitch and Closing (Coursera)

In Course 3 of the Art of Sales Specialization, you will learn how to give great presentations with dashing style and self-confidence. You will also learn how to ask the looming closing question. Finally, you will learn how to develop your brand and go above and beyond for your clients.

Let’s Get Strong: Strengths at Work (edX)

Effective leaders know that we are always better when we play to our strengths. There’s science behind that statement. In this course, discover the power of strengths at work through selected models, self-assessment & learning use your strengths more.

Liderazgo femenino: potencia tus habilidades e impulsa el cambio (edX)

Construye tu plan individual de desarrollo personal, fortalece tus habilidades intrapersonales y comunicacionales y consigue potenciar tu liderazgo. ¿Sabes cuál es tu estilo de liderazgo? ¿Te gustaría desarrollar o fortalecer habilidades de liderazgo con un enfoque de género?¿Conoces cómo se encuentran los países de América Latina y el [...]

Mental Skills Training for Sport and Health (FutureLearn)

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Mental Skills Training for Sport and Health (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn how techniques from sport psychology can be used to enhance your own sports performance or that of your clients. Learn sports psychology to improve physical performance in yourself or others. We all experience changing levels of motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety depending on the situation we’re in. On this [...]

Training für Referate (Eduson)

Das Eduson Training hilft Dir bei Deinem Referat. Hier findest Du die wichtigsten Tricks und Tipps für Deine Präsentation in der Schule oder in der Freizeit. Das Eduson Training ist einfach und passt auf jedes Referat. Es sind nur 8 ganz einfache Schritte die Dich zum perfekten Referat bringen. [...]